Family physical culture and health improvement process design models applicable by municipal sport facilities



Postgraduate M.A. Rodionovа
Surgut State University, Surgut


Keywords: family physical culture, physical culture and health improvement process, joint classes of children and adults, family physical culture and health improvement model.

Background. Acting pursuant to the strategic policy objectives set forth by the Government of the Russian Federation to increase, among other things, the share of population involved in physical culture and sports [4], the national sport sector establishments need to give due priority to the family physical education system. It is a family that seeds and cultivates the base personal values and lifestyle and plays a role of reference group number one for a child. As things now stand, modern family responsibilities and functions in the social and cultural domains are subject to serious structural and typological changes [1].

However, many study reports by the Russian researchers demonstrate the family system still playing a dominant role in a child’s personality and physical culture building process [2, 5]. Therefore, due methods, tools and educational content of the family and child’s interaction in the physical culture and health improvement domain may be beneficial for family physical education, help increase the importance of health agenda and apply the relevant theoretical knowledge in practice. However, the present national legislation makes provisions rather for contents of athletic training systems and their compliance with the athletic training standards in specific sport disciplines, but still sets no basic requirements to contents of general developmental programs in the physical culture domain. It is sport organizations in fact that should work out the relevant supplementary general developmental programs as provided by the Ministry of Sports of Russia Order #1125 of 27.12.2013 “On Approving the institutional and management framework for educational, training and practical activities in the national physical culture and sports sector” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 05.03.2014, registration code #31522).

In view of the valid legislation setting no standards for the education and training process content and models in application to the supplementary general developmental programs in the national physical culture and sports sector, it actually gives freedom to the sector establishments in providing such services to the local communities that meet their needs in terms of range, quality and reasonable versatility.

Due priority should be given to the family physical training and health improvement sessions in the range of the above services. These sessions are to be designed to provide necessary prerequisites, equipment and frame conditions to meet the needs of families in self-development, self-education and self-fulfilment in the physical culture and sports domain; give the means to design the efficient interaction process (with the relevant prudently selected content, forms and tools of the process) based on an activation approach; and make it possible to give a new quality to the communication and practical interaction of coach-instructor, family and children. It is the general quality and efficiency of the services provided by the sport establishment that are pivotal for the family physical culture being effectively and adequately fostered, with the relevant benefits for the children’s physical education in family.

Objective of the study was to find the most efficient forms of joint family physical training and health improvement process applicable by municipal sport establishments.

Methods and structure of the study. The study was performed at the Physical Culture Theory Department of Surgut State University in December to May 2016 and was based on an overview of the reference literature and the relevant valid formal legal provisions on the subject.

Study results and discussion. Reasonable freedom from restrictions and clichés and persistent search for new demand-sensitive forms of education and training process help establish and improve an efficient interpersonal relationship and good communication of every party to the process. Considering the benefits of the joint physical training and health improvement activity of children and families from a subjective viewpoint, we would emphasize the need in the teachers taking persistent efforts to create self-education methodologies; develop the relevant educational and application information technologies on a due institutional basis; apply competitive and gaming process versions; provide consulting services to the adult family members etc. [3]. From the viewpoint of humanistic educational approaches, a child needs to be given every opportunity to mobilize his/her resources and identify the personally critical values, knowledge and projects, provided the relevant educational conditions are put in place to facilitate his/her self-expression and self-fulfilment.

The whole range of the relevant services may be established and provided by a fitness club under a municipal sport establishment. Active participation in such a club will not only meet the individual demands for training and competitive activity but also contribute to the healthy lifestyle promotion in the local community with more and more local people being engaged in the club-supported physical training and health improvement process where they may enjoy a variety of entertaining activities from joint sport festivals to demonstration exercises of the leading athletes of the city/ county.

To encourage a child’s interest to the physical training and health improvement process, the reference group leader (parent) should demonstrate his/ her due personal motivation and active practical engagement in the process, i.e. give an example. Thereby, the leading family member should act as a driver of the family physical training and health improvement interaction [3]. The family physical training and health improvement interaction means herein the highly motivated and efficient interpersonal contacts of the family members established through a variety of communication tools to help attain the goals of the physical culture and health improvement process, with due feedbacks and, what should be emphasized, increasingly positive emotions and attitudes to the process, one another and themselves.

Presented on the following Diagram are the model forms of the family physical culture and health improvement process.



Diagram 1. Model forms of the family physical culture and health improvement process

As demonstrated by Diagram 1 above, we offer 4 forms of family training sessions at the national municipal sport establishments that provide services under the supplementary general developmental programs in the national physical culture and sports domain.

Individual sessions at the municipal sport establishments are applicable only to the sport excellence groups where a coach works individually with each elite athlete based on an individual training system designed for the athlete. At this training stage, the training process may be supported by services of a sport psychologist, masseur, pharmacologist etc. However, we recommend that the municipal sport establishments should consider expanding their range of services by the individual services being offered at the health-improvement process stage, with the commercial side of the service being designed and managed on an individual basis. The individual sessions may be classified as testing, education and training, consulting etc.

Joint individual sessions imply the family physical training and health improvement interaction within one family. Sport establishments are presently often reluctant to offer services to the same family members, although, in our opinion, such service could be also very popular. Such training sessions imply the individual training exercises being performed by each family member as required by his/her fitness level and the physical developmental system goals, the sessions taking place at the same facility and with one coach; alternatively, the family may run joint (group) practices performed in close contact by all the family members. The joint individual sessions may be classified as education and training, gaming, active recreational (walking tours, tourist festivals, quests), project sessions etc. This form of training sessions is designed to develop team spirit, mutual support and compassion – and thereby help unite children and seniors.

Group sessions are the most popular form of training services provided at sport establishments, with the groups being composed based on age and fitness levels of the trainees. It should be noted, however, that the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Order #1008 of 29.08.2013 “On the education process design and management for supplementary general education programs” (registered by the Ministry of Justice on 27.11.2013, registration code #30468) removed age restrictions for the people joining these programs. Therefore, people of different age categories may train in the same group at the sporting and health-improvement stage. In the group sessions, the group members perform the same or individual education exercises driven by the same goal, conditional on the group members’ interaction under leadership of the coach. The educational material is learnt and digested based on the individual work of every group member reasonably contributing to the teamwork. It is important that in the group physical culture and health improvement sessions children may communicate both with their peers and adults. The group sessions may be classified into gaming sessions, quiz game, master class, physical culture and health improvement (fitness) festivals, lectures, education and training sessions etc. Joint group sessions imply a few families being engaged in the sessions that are normally designed as relay races, physical culture and health improvement (fitness) festivals, health days, meetings with sport celebrities etc.

Conclusion. The family physical culture and health improvement process models offered by the study will help expand the range of the services provided by the municipal autonomous sport establishments and foster good interpersonal cooperative and co-creative environments in families to help children shape up due health agenda, values and interest to active sports.


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The article considers the increasingly critical issue of the best ways to engage children and adults into active sporting lifestyles. The author believes that it is the municipal sport establishments that will play a key role in the family sporting culture development initiatives. The article gives an overview of the family physical culture and health improvement methods. The proposed family physical culture and health improvement process design models will help expand the range of the sport services provided by the relevant municipal sport establishments and create a supportive and co-creative environment in families to encourage the due values and attitudes to sports being fostered in children.