Active safety to counter skidding in motor racing sport



Applicant G.A. Chavchanidze
Professor, Dr.Hab. E.S. Tsygankov
Associate Professor, PhD V.N. Zudin
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow

Skidding in motor racing sports may be sometimes considered a positive phenomenon as it may be used to improve safety in a variety of race control actions. Objective of the study was to explore the most efficient control actions in case of car skidding. The article presents model car skidding situations. It should be noted that the counter-skidding driving skills to get ready for such situations cannot be mastered in a self-learning format due to the high risks for the driver and car. As things now stand, the counter-skidding driving skills may be obtained in the counter-accident driving courses offered by special driving skill excellence centres. This training is normally designed as a modular two-tier system that gives theoretical knowledge and practical training, particularly in its “ice driving” module with the practical skills being excelled on an ice field/ stadium. The ice driving program includes 16 training and test exercises designed to master a few counter-skidding elementary actions including: square (skidding-straightening action); triangle (critical skidding); pacy serpentine (rhythmic skidding); forward and backward turnarounds (known as the “police turnaround”);  spin (rotation on site); waltz; skidding turns; and other speed-manoeuvre exercises. A five-day training course will help master the basics of slippery driving and the key counter-accident actions.

Keywords: skidding types, specific actions, safety, motor transport.


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