School physical education quality assurance in federal state education standard (FSES) implementation process



Associate Professor A.G. Polivaev1
Associate Professor, PhD N.V. Fomicheva1
Master's student I.A. Irgasheva2
1Ishim Pedagogical Institute n.a. P.P. Ershov (affiliate), Tyumen State University, Ishim
2Tyumen State University, Tyumen

The ongoing transition of the general education school to the new Federal State Education Standard (applicable to the primary, basic and secondary school education) based on a systemic advancement approach has revealed a few problems in the educational, training and development process content and design, and this applies to the school Physical Education discipline as well. At this juncture, the existing mechanisms to ensure the personality-shaping, meta-disciplinary and discipline-specific education process success by the relevant Universal Educational Actions (UEA) in the physical education lessons still need to be improved. Objective of the study was to give theoretical grounds for and practically implement the new mechanisms, mobilize resources and consider specifics of the educational process in the school Physical Education discipline to ensure success of the education. Subject to the study were 25 pupils of two classes of a general education school. The experimental education cycle was found to yield positive results in the personality-shaping, meta-disciplinary and discipline-specific physical education.

Keywords: Federal State Education Standard (applicable to primary, basic and secondary school education), meta-disciplinary, personality-shaping results, discipline-specific results, Universal Educational Actions.


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