Effects of social and demographic factors on teachers' choice of anti-stress mechanisms



Associate Professor, PhD E.V. Bronskiy
Associate Professor, PhD V.I. Lebedeva
Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan

Objective of the study was to identify the anti-stress mechanisms applied by the physical education teachers. The study was performed at the premises of Educational Staff Advanced Training Institute in the period of 2013-14. Subject to the study were 108 physical education teachers (72 men and 36 women) from urban and rural schools in the Pavlodar Province. The choice of locus control and coping strategy by the teachers was found to be driven by the following social and demographic factors: service time, qualification class, place of residence and the marital status. The opinion poll was designed based on the J. Rotter and R. Lazarus methodology (adapted version by T.L. Kriukova, Y.V. Kuftyak) and E. Heim test. The study found that the polled physical education teachers in most cases applied, irrespective of their social and demographic factors and gender, the internal type of locus control rather than the external one. The teachers of both sexes were tested with the growing proportion of internals with the growing service time and qualification level. The demographic factor (i.e. the place of residence) was found of insignificant effect on the teachers’ locus control. The marital status was rated as an important factor since the numbers of externals were found to be higher in the singles’ group. The respondents reported making resort to the adaptive and relatively adaptive coping strategies in most of the life situations, irrespective of the social and demographic factors and gender.

Keywords: physical education teachers, professional burnout, stress, locus control, coping strategy.


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