Special physical training cycle design for first-year ice dancers



Applicant O.V. Kudryavtseva1
Professor, Dr.Biol. V.S. Belyaev1
Professor, PhD M.V. Solovykh2
Professor, PhD M.A. Kaymin1
Professor, PhD M.V. Savin1
1Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture and Sport of Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
2Moscow Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Malakhovka, Moscow region

Objective of the study was to explore the available formats and select the most efficient model of the special physical training cycle design for the first-year ice dancers within the yearly cycle of competitive ice dancing training process. Our choice of this particular stage and year in the ice dancers’ competitive training process was due to the fact that it is the time when the model characteristics of the individual ice dancing styles are formed, including the basics of the competitive elements performance techniques that are later on used to build up the athletes’ competitive mastery. Subject to the experiment were 32 ice dancers equally split up into Study and Reference Groups of 16 people (8 couples) each. The study applied every key performance indicator to rate the special physical fitness of the ice dancers, including the motor intensity rates of the training sessions and the workload volumes and intensities; with a special emphasis on the technique quality rating based on the relevant competitive performance criteria (including the scores for the competitive elements in the original dance program). The study included scrutiny of the available theoretical and practical literature, educational surveys, educational experiment, data mining stage, data processing by mathematical statistic tools, and the resultant data analyses. The experimental program including the relevant methods and tools dominated by special physical practices recommended for performance in certain sequence was found efficient as verified by the subject ice dancers’ accomplishments in competitions. The study emphasizes the need in a good training process design and explores the key process design parameters specific for this figure skating sport discipline. Coaching team’s design works to put together a physical training cycle for the first-year ice-dancers are recommended to take into account the process parameters found by this experimental study.

Keywords: athletic training, special physical conditioning, special physical fitness, training groups, design, annual training cycle, ice dancers.


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