University students' weekly motor activity: content and introspection



Professor, Dr.Hab. N.I. Sinyavskiy
Associate Professor, PhD A.V. Fursov
Postgraduate O.N. Kizaev
Postgraduate N.N. Gerega
Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut

The article considers the university students’ weekly activity management matters explored via questionnaire survey forms giving the means to the students to make the self-analysis of the activity forms and types on an academic weekly basis. On the whole, the self-analysis demonstrated the physical activity being high enough only in 15% of the student population, the active students reporting their natural motivation for motor activity and engagement in physical exercises on their own on an extra-curriculum basis; with the reports emphasizing their general preference of active recreation forms as opposed to the passive ones.
Content analysis of the university students’ weekly motor activity showed the activity being dominated by the mandatory academic curriculum making up 90 minutes per week. Furthermore, the self-analysis of the students’ weekly motor activity showed that 85% of the students polled tend to neglect such basic forms of motor activity forms as morning calisthenics, usual academic daily motor activities in class hours, organized training sessions in the relevant sport groups and self-controlled physical training exercises.

Keywords: student’s weekly motor activity, academic motor activity questionnaire survey form, motor activity self-analysis by students..


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