University sport club development model



Postgraduate A.G. Burov
G.S. Krylova
I.N. Antonova
E.G. Mikhalchenko

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

Keywords: university, model, economic-organizing development conditions, sport club performance criteria.

Introduction. The present-day higher education system recognizes around 360 sport clubs. The total number of students engaged in physical culture, sport and various volunteer activities is about 60-70 percent. Nevertheless, according to different estimates, the percentage of students practicing sports on a regular basis constitutes only 20-45 percent. The fact is inconsistent with the “Strategy of Physical Culture and Sport Development in the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2020” (decree No. 1101-r adopted by the RF Government on August 7, 2009) [9], which specifies the number of students actively involved in physical culture and sport reaching 80 percent by 2020.

Besides, attention should be paid to the fact that only 15-45 percent of students attend sessions running within the university sport club system (A.G. Burov, 2014) [3]. This indicates the necessity for improvement of university sport clubs activities, the demand for development of regulatory and structural-functional models of the university sport sector activity along with the means of interoperation between the Physical Education Department and a sport club (V.K. Bal'sevich, L. I. Lubysheva, 2016) with a view to expanding sport competitions, public sport events, university sport teams, recreational classes; reviving and continuing university traditions; generating income [1, 5, 8].

Almost all higher education institutions need to be facilitated in development and material resources improvement, sport equipment procurement, sport club corporate network extension, profit-earning capacity expansion and informational computer-aided support provision [2, 7].

Another thorny issue resides in the fact that, as stated in the FL “Concerning Physical Culture and Sport in the Russian Federation” and the FL “On Education in the Russian Federation”, establishment of sport clubs and centers within educational institutions is optional; these statutes are non-regulatory, hence the unclear situation concerning the development and effective implementation of many organizational, legal and financial aspects (N.V. Slobodyanyuk, 2016). In the modern context, the introduction of physical education and sport activities into educational institutions is unstructured [7, 8], which attests to the necessity for development of a qualitatively new regulatory paradigm of sport clubs management within the higher education system [4, 6, 7].

Objective of the study was to establish the university sport club development model and identify its efficiency at the premises of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.

Methods and structure of the research. Approbation of the organizational sport club development model was conducted at the premises of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics during the period from 2011 to 2016. In order to develop the model, we undertook a social study among 850 university students: 62.2 percent of boys and 20 percent of girls attend spot sections regularly; 25 percent of boys and 6 percent of girls participate in sport competitions; 13 percent of students volunteer in sport events occasionally. The most popular sports among students are: athletic gymnastics (45 percent) and fitness aerobics (30 percent). However, 38 percent of girls and 25 percent of boys have low motor skills levels [4, 6].

The developed model aims to advance the university sport teams, increase the number of the teams recruiting prospective student-athletes, create opportunities for entering various sports competitions, procure sport gear and equipment and put forward organizational and economic solutions for accomplishing these objectives (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Organizational model of student sport club system development

The strategy for university physical education and sport development has been designed in order to accomplish the objectives set by sport club activities. The strategy is characterized by a detailed specification of sport club activities, planning of the number of attendees, introduction of sport as a university corporate culture. A considerable number of training programs has been arranged: training in groups (yoga, stretching, aerobics, Pilates, aqua aerobics), group sessions in a gym (CrossFit program, athletic gymnastics, powerlifting, endurance-developing pump aerobics). The strategy also comprises organization of master-classes within the framework of the “Health Week” project, development of sports volunteering activities (volunteer training for the Football World Championship-2018; tests on the specifics of the GTO complex; participation in sport competitions as an essential component of student’s personal rating).

One of the sport club economic development conditions is organization of the income-producing activities within the university sport objects through rendering recreational health and wellness services. Coordination of academic, non-academic and income-generating activities remains a difficult issue under discussion.

Results and discussion. Table 1 shows the sport club efficiency criteria and the sport sector activity results for the period from 2011 to 2016.

Table 1. Sport club activity results for the period from 2011 to 2016

Evaluation criteria




1. Number of university sport teams




2. Number of athletes in university sport teams




3. Number of sport sections




4. Number of sport facilities




5. Number of students attending sport sections




6. Number of personnel members (managers, instructors)




7. Number of public sport events




8. Membership costs




9. Number of international sport competitions




10. Average number of section groups




11. Most popular training programs and gyms by attendance rate

Body building,


Aerobics, gym

Aerobics, gym

12. Income excluding costs




13. Income from a gym per month




14. Income from sport sections




15. Income from swimming pool




16. Number of student sport teams in the “Rector’s Cup” tournament




17. Expenditures for the football “Rector’s Cup” tournament




Over the course of three years, efficiency indicators of the sport club performance had been improved: the number of university sport teams increased from 10 up to 21; the number of sport sections – from 8 to 18; the number of public sport events – from 11 to 55; the number of personnel members in the club – from 24 to 35; growth of income from commercial activity is being observed too.

Conclusions. The presented sport club performance model proves its effectiveness in terms of accomplishment of strategic objectives of the youth sport development, increase in the number of students actively involved in physical culture and sports as part of non-academic activities, development of personnel resources among the specialists in physical culture and sport as well as improvement of the sport sector as an income-generating activity.


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Abstract. The article presents the approved sport club model and its structural components based on the principles of relevance; economic and personnel structure conditions are provided. The developed model is designed to train the university sport teams, increase the number of university athletes, provide the opportunities of participation in various sport competitions, supply sport gear and equipment and work out organizational and economic solutions to meet the objectives listed above.
Approbation of the organizational sport club development model was conducted at the premises of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics during the period from 2011 to 2016. The model was developed on the basis of the social research with 850 students involved in it.
The given model of sport club activities has proved its efficiency in meeting the strategic objectives of university sport development, increasing the number of students engaged in physical culture activities, development of personnel resources among the specialists in physical education and sport as well as improving the sport sector as an income-producing activity.