Level and structure of human motor activity in Yugra North (based on IPAQ questionnaire)



Postgraduate A.Yu. Nikolaev
Dr.Biol., Professor S.I. Loginov
Surgut State University, Surgut

Keywords: motor activity, physical activity, Yugra North, men and women, IPAQ questionnaire.

Introduction. The level and structure of physical activity (PA) are the main objective indicators of physical activity as a phenomenon of human biosocial behavior. Determination of these features is the first step toward solution of the educational problem of introducing the largest possible number of people into regular physical exercises [1-3]. Experience has shown that in terms of recreational and adaptive physical education it is more preferable to determine the PA level in metabolic equivalents (MET), as mild (<2 MET), moderate (3-6 MET) and high intensity (>7 MET) [4]. Structurally, PA is divided into PA at work, housework, as well as PA while commuting and at leisure [4]. Lately, the so-called “sedentary behaviour” (SB) has been increasingly frequently separated out. It characterizes the time spent under significant restriction of movements while watching TV, working and playing computer games, during music and art classes [4]. Meanwhile, SB is accompanied by the risk of such diseases as osteochondrosis, 2-type diabetes and a number of other diseases [5]. Consequently, there is a need to improve daily motor activity based on the pedagogical management technologies [6]. But first it is required to get an insight into ​​the present (actual) level of physical activity of the subject of management (in this case - the residents of Yugra) using a questionnaire, which is the purpose of the present study.

Materials and methods. The research involved 850 randomly selected permanent Surgut residents, including 306 men aged 32.8±12.7 years (36.0%) and 544 women aged 35.9±12.4 years (64.0%). All the participants filled out the long Russian version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) [7]. This version enables to collect information about the time and amount of energy spent on PA of mild, moderate and high intensity in 4 sections: at work, while moving (commuting), housework and work at the country house as well as at leisure. In each section, the subjects were asked to indicate the frequency of PA in the last 7 days (number of days) and its duration (hours and minutes).

The primary data were processed in accordance with the recommendations of the full version of the standard protocol of the base English version of IPAQ. For further analysis the following intensity levels of PA were identified: 1) low intensity PA (LIPA) – the metabolic equivalent value (МЕТ) is <1,5; 2) moderate intensity PA (MIPA) (3-6 MET) and 3) high intensity PA (HIPA) (7 MET and above). A separate category was created for individuals of “sedentary behaviour” who gave less than 10 minutes per day to PA. Then, based on these MET levels energy consumption was calculated for each activity type in accordance with the PA data compendium [4]. PA energy consumption volume (PAEC) was calculated by multiplying the time spent on this activity per day by the corresponding MET value of this activity for each section. The total energy consumption (TPAEC) was calculated by adding PAEC of all the activity types and presented in MET, where 1 MET = 1.0 kcal/kg/hr or 3.5 ml O2/kg min (for details see www.ipaq.ki.se). The PA indicators were acquired and calculated using the authors’ ECM programs.

The data obtained were statistically processed using the Statistica 10 (StatSoft, USA) software. The following parameters were calculated: arithmetic mean <X>, median <Ме>, standard deviation <SD>, 0.95 confidence interval <±CI 0.95>. The medians were compared using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used with the differences significance level p<0.05. To identify dependencies between the TPAEC indicators, gender and age the one-way ANOVA test was used for each PA section, namely: work, commuting, housework and work at the country house, PA at leisure and while walking by different levels of intensity (sedentary, mildly active, moderately active and highly active).

Results and discussion. Physical activity energy consumption while at work and at leisure was significantly higher (p<0,05) in men than in women, while the latter spent more energy on housework (p<0,05; t -test) (Fig. 1). There were no statistically significant differences between physical activity while moving (commuting) in men and women of the Surgut sample population (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Indicators of weekly energy consumption in terms of physical activity of men (n=306) and women (n=544) of the Surgut sample population according to the international questionnaire IPAQ, MET, min/week (Х±SD), * – р <0,05.

Total PA power consumption, including high intensity PA, was significantly higher in men than in women. There were no differences in moderate PA and walking energy consumption (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Indicators of weekly energy consumption in terms of physical activity of men (n=306) and women (n=544) of the Surgut sample population according to the international questionnaire IPAQ, MET, min/week (Х±SD).

In terms of PA energy consumption per week, no significant differences were detected, except for high intensity PA, which amounted to 1.5 hours per week in men and 52 min in women (Table 1).

Table 1. The duration of PA of varying intensity, walking and sedentary work of Surgut representatives of sample population according to the international questionnaire IPAQ (min/week), Х±SD










(523, 648)



(69, 114)



(167, 230) p=0,4145


(265, 327) p=0,1790


(2316, 2496)





(495, 577)


(41; 63)




(247, 292)


(2436, 2559)




(520, 588)


(55, 77)


(190, 227)


(261, 297)


(2414, 2516)

Legend: TPA – total PA, HIPA – high intensity PA, MIPA – moderate intensity PA, X –arithmetic mean, SD – standard deviation. In parenthesis are the values of 0.95% confidence interval, p – level of significance of differences in PA indicators of women and men.

The duration of daily PA in men was significantly higher (p<0,05), than in women while at work and at leisure, but lower than in the “Housework” section (Table 2).

Table 2. The duration of different types of PA of Surgut representatives of sample population according to the international questionnaire IPAQ (min/day), Х±SD

PA types

Men (n=306)

Women (n=544)

Total (n=850)


34±53 (28, 40)

22±37 (19, 25)*

26±44 (24, 33)


17±26 (14, 20)

17±26 (15; 19)

17±26 (15, 19)


15±25 (12, 18)

24±33 (22, 27)*

21±31 (22, 34)


18±30 (14, 21)

13±26 (11, 15)*

15±28 (13, 17)

Legend: X –arithmetic mean, SD – standard deviation. In parenthesis are the values of 0.95% confidence interval, * – level of significance of differences in indicators of women and men, p<0,05.

The ANOVA test proved that the total PA volume at work essentially depends on gender - F (1,848) = 19,403 (p=0,00001), while there was no dependence of PA when moving on gender - F (1,848) = 0,0074, p=0,9316). Women spend more energy while performing housework - F (1,848) = 8,5346, p=0,0036; men - at leisure - F (1,848) = 4,5156 (p=0,0339).

Results and discussion. IPAQ questionnaire was originally designed as a tool used to conduct a comparative assessment of the level and structure of PA of population of different countries. The comparison reveals that Swedish adults give 44±59 min/day to moderate PA, and 20±38 min/day to high intensity PA, while Surgut residents – 30±37 and 23±9 min/day. The Iranians give 2683 min/week to PA, Surgut residents – 2210 min/week [12]. With regard to SB, our findings agree with those reported by the Czech and Iranian researchers who found that the duration of SB in Czech men was 375 min/day, women – 400 min/day, in Iranian men – 364 min/day, women – 300 min/day, in Surgut residents – 344 and 357 min/day, respectively. The time spent on sedentary work was greater in European women than in Iranian ones. In the Czech Republic 28% of the study population identified themselves as physically mildly active, in Iran - 30.7%, in Surgut there were more - 43%.

Conclusion. IPAQ gives a satisfactory differentiation of physical (motor) activity of the Surgut sample population into”mild” (43% of the sample), “moderate” (30%) and “high intensity” (26.9%) depending on its level, and into PA “at work” (on the average, 26 min/day), “when moving” (17 min), when performing “housework” (21 min), “at leisure” (15 min) and “when sitting” (352 min/day) depending on its structure. Apparently, there is a need to improve PA level, thus reducing the share of mildly active population and increasing that of moderately active one, increasing leisure time PA and reducing the duration of sedentary behavior.

The work was carried out with the financial support from the RHSF (Project №16-16-86006, Optimizing physical activity in older people in the conditions of urbanized North Siberian region (KhMAR-Yugra).


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Corresponding author: apokin_vv@mail.ru

It has been established that IPAQ gives a satisfactory differentiation of the Surgut sample popula-tion into”mildly” (43% of the sample), “moderately” (30%) and “highly active” (26.9%) depending on the level of physical activity (PA), and into physical activity “at work” (on the average, 26 min/day), “while moving” (commuting) (17 min), when performing “housework” (21 min), “at leisure” (15 min) and “when sitting” (352 min/day) depending on the structure. There is a need to improve PA level, thus reducing the share of mildly active population and increasing that of moderately active one, increasing leisure time PA and reducing the duration of sedentary behavior.