Monitoring of effectiveness of volunteer organizations as part of service support of sports and excursion tourism products



Doctor of Economics, professor G.M. Romanova
Ph.D., associate professor M.A. Maznichenko
Ph.D., associate professor I.N. Makarova
FGBOU VPO “Sochi State University”, Sochi


Keywords: volunteer movement institute, volunteer organizations activities monitoring, complex approach to monitoring.

Introduction. Recently in the Russian Federation a powerful impetus has been given to the development of sports; sports, business and event tourism associated with hosting of major sporting events such as the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Grand Prix "Formula-1" in 2014 in Sochi, a number of major international sport events held at the Olympic venues, preparation for the 2018 FIFA World Cup et al. [4; 7, etc.]. It is impossible to create quality tourism products without volunteer involvement in their service support. In this regard it seems relevant to establish cooperation of sports, tourism and volunteer organizations.

Preparation and staging of the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi in 2014 also contributed to the increase of the number of volunteer organizations and the development of volunteering institutes in Russia [5; 6; 8, etc.]. Volunteers of many volunteer organizations have a wealth of experience in the service functions.

However, the activities of such organizations, the volunteers' competency and the quality of volunteer services are not thoroughly analyzed. It greatly hinders the development of the institution of volunteering as well as sports and event tourism. In this regard it seems relevant to conduct the comprehensive monitoring of the effectiveness of the volunteer organizations of the Russian Federation as part of the service support of sports and excursion tourism products (visiting major sports events, sports facilities).

The purpose of the study was to develop a concept, a criterion base and pedagogical tools for monitoring the activity effectiveness of the voluntary organizations of the Russian Federation as part of the service support of sports and excursion tourism products.

Results and discussion. According to analysis of methods of monitoring of the activities of organizations of various social institutions presented in the scientific literature and regulatory and methodical documentation [1; 2; 3, etc.], the comprehensive method of monitoring of the volunteer organizations' activities is the most effective one. Its key principles are:

• monitoring and evaluation of a complex of objects;

• use of qualitative and quantitative criteria and indicators for systematic evaluation of the objects;

• creation of a broad sample of volunteer organizations, covering all subjects of the Russian Federation and implementation of all areas of volunteer activities;

• comparative analysis of the estimates on the part of the leaders of volunteer organizations, volunteers and recipients of volunteer services;

• use of a set of diagnostic methods and analysis of the results, relevant to the monitoring tasks: questionnaires, interviews, volunteer organization documentation analysis, expert evaluation, statistical methods, graphical representation of the monitoring results, database development, identifying the contribution of various sectors of volunteering (for example, volunteer organizations in the educational institutions, social organizations implementing volunteer projects, etc.) to the overall result of the volunteer movement;

• comparative analysis of performance of volunteer organizations over the past 3-5 years;

• identifying current challenges and best practices of volunteerism;

• development of complex guidelines for volunteer event organizers based on the monitoring results, including the effective management model of the institution of volunteerism, recruitment and training of volunteers, volunteer cooperation, tourism and sports organizations in the regions of Russia, increase of motivation, disclosure of personal potential of volunteers etc.

Criterion monitoring framework is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Criterion database of monitoring of volunteering organizations activities as part of the service support of sports and excursion tourism products

Monitoring objects

Evaluation Criteria

State as a customer and a partner of volunteer organizations

  • interaction of volunteer organization with the state

volunteer organization as part of the institute of volunteering

  • scale of activities of volunteer organization

  • image of volunteer organization


  • quality of volunteers' work

  • satisfaction of volunteers with the organization of their work

  • the impact of volunteering on the personal and professional growth of volunteers

volunteer close circle

  • the impact of participation in volunteer activities on the results of paid employment, family relations, work collective etc.

managers of volunteer movement

  • the performance of organizers

  • the efficiency of resolving of organizational problems

recipients of volunteer assistance

  • satisfaction of recipients with the quality of assistance

partners of volunteer organizations

  • the interaction of volunteer organization with partner organizations

Each criterion is defined by a set of qualitative and quantitative indicators. For example, the quantitative criterion "Interaction of volunteer organization with the state":

• number of volunteer projects made by volunteer organization by the order of the state;

• amount of public funding of voluntary organizations (grants, etc.).

• number of documents that express recognition of volunteer organization activities by the state, etc.

Quality indicators of this criterion:

• implementation of "social order" by volunteer organization, the relevance of volunteer projects;

• optimal allocation of functions of state (social) and community (volunteer) organizations in addressing social problems;

• satisfaction of the state as a customer of volunteer project, etc.

The assessment by each criterion is done with the use of a specially developed tool set. For example, questionnaires of volunteer organizations' leaders, an analysis of summary statistical reports, site of volunteer organizations etc. are used to assess the scale of the volunteer organization's activities. The work quality is controlled via the volunteers certification, expert assessments, surveys of managers and team leaders, volunteers self-esteem, analysis of performance plans of programs and projects with the participation of volunteers, etc.

Questionnaires based on the described principles and framework of criteria are designed for leaders of volunteer organizations, volunteers and recipients of volunteer services. According to monitoring results database "Performance indicators of volunteer organizations for 2013–2015" will be created. There will also be made a list of volunteer organizations involved in the service support of sports and excursion tourism products that will be presented to the leading tour operators in the event, business and sports tourism; a description of the best practices and most acute problems of functioning of volunteer organizations as part of the service support to sports and excursion tourism products.

Conclusion. The results of the comprehensive monitoring of the volunteer organizations activities will enable:

- the state – to manage the development of the institute of volunteering;

- sports and tourism organizations – to build the effective partnerships with volunteer organizations, to distribute functions in service support of tourism products, to avoid unfair competition;

- volunteer organizations – to improve the organization of work processes, to develop new activities, to improve the quality of volunteer services;

- volunteers and citizens, potential volunteers – to have reliable and objective information about current volunteer organizations and their activities, the organization of the work with volunteers, the provision of the safe working environment, facilitation of personal and professional growth, etc.


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The paper deals with the necessity of monitoring of the active volunteer organizations in the Russian Federation and application of the comprehensive approach to the monitoring. The process suggests detection of diagnostics objects, elaboration of evaluation criteria basis, usage of complex diagnostics methods, corresponding monitoring tasks, comparative analysis of activities, up-to-date problems detection and dissemination of best practices.

The criterion framework of monitoring includes objects and the evaluation criteria. The objects of monitoring defined are as follows: the government as a customer and a partner of volunteer organizations (the quality of interaction of volunteer organization with governmental organizations, local, regional and federal governments is estimated), volunteer organization as part of the institute of volunteering (the magnitude of the activity and the image of the volunteer organizations is estimated); volunteers (the quality of volunteer work, their satisfaction with the organization of volunteer activities, the impact of such activities on the personal and professional growth of volunteers are monitored); volunteer close circle (the impact of participation in volunteer activities on the results of paid employment, family relations, work collective are examined and etc.); managers of volunteer movement (the performance of organizers and the effectiveness of resolving problems are diagnosed); recipients of volunteer assistance (their satisfaction with the quality of assistance is estimated); partners of volunteer organizations (the interaction of volunteer organization with partner organizations is investigated).