Physical training complex application technology to prepare for highland operations



PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Bakaev1
Honorary Figure of Russian Higher Education, Dr.Hab., Professor A.E. Bolotin1
Dr.Hab., Professor S.S. Aganov2
1Peter the Great St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg
2Saint-Petersburg university of State fire service Emercom of Russia, St. Petersburg

Keywords: technology, rescuers, physical training, training complexes, highlands.

 Introduction. In modern conditions, tourist relationships between countries are significantly increasing. Particular attention is paid to mountaineering. Along with that, its development requires a new system of safety provision for tourists. All this demands a high level of physical readiness of future rescuers to act in the highlands [1-3, 5]. 

The practice of vocational training of future rescuers to act in the highlands requires addressing the task of training university specialists of a new type. Professional activities of rescuers are impossible without displaying not only physical, volitional and personal qualities, but also a wide range of well-developed skills to act in the highlands [3, 5, 6]. Yet, university training of rescuers is insufficiently focused on the development of physical qualities and practical skills needed for highland operations [3-5]. 

Thus, in the university training of rescuers one should put emphasis on using specific physical education tools in terms of training complexes integrated into the educational technology to achieve more qualitative training of future rescuers for actions in the highlands.

Objective of the research was to develop an educational technology of application of training complexes for future rescuers to be ready for actions in the highlands.

Methods and structure of the research. The problem of forming physical readiness of future rescuers for highland operations has been solved from the perspective of system, targeted and personal approaches to organization of training session for students.

System approach to the organization of students’ training allowed considering the formation of physical readiness to act in the highlands in the form of an integral system. This approach made it possible to examine the process of physical training of future rescuers to work in the highlands in the aggregate of structural components, functional connections and relationships. This led to certain integrity, stability and internal organization of the educational technology in question.

Targeted approach. This approach towards development of the educational technology of application of training complexes was to unite the goals, timeframes and performance of all elements of university activities promoting formation of physical readiness of students to act in the highlands.

Personal approach to the development of this educational technology implied simulation of future rescuers’ actions in the highlands. Subjectivity of application of training complexes was that a student performed them in accordance with his personal training goals.

Educational experiment solved the tasks of efficiency testing of the developed educational technology of application of training complexes in the physical training process of future rescuers to act in the highlands (Fig. 1). 2nd year students of Peter the Great St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University were involved in the experiment as part of reference and study groups (21 in each group).

Figure 1. Educational technology of application of training complexes in the physical training process of future rescuers to act in the highlands

Results and discussion. The studies showed that professional skills of future rescuers are largely determined by the level of development of professionally important physical qualities and applied skills to efficiently act in the highlands. Therefore, one of the priority tasks of the study was to detect these qualities. With that in mind, skilled specialists and teachers of Institute of military technical education and safety at Peter the Great St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University were surveyed. The survey revealed the rank structure of professionally significant physical qualities for the rescuers’ performance in the highlands (Table 1).

Table 1. Rank structure of professionally significant physical qualities and practical skills rescuers need for efficient performance in the highlands (n=117)


Significance (rank)


Physical qualities and applied skills

Rank index, %


General and strength endurance



Hands and legs strength



Skills to move on a cliff with negative slope



Skills to transport injured people in the highlands



Agility, coordination and accuracy of movements



Skills to move horizontally on a cliff



Ability to quickly rescue injured people



Mobility when getting to remote areas in the highlands


The effectiveness of the elaborated technology of the training complex application in physical training of future rescuers for operations in the highlands has been tested in the course of the educational experiment.

The training methods of effective highland operation were determined within the framework of developing basic theoretical and practical ideas, methods and forms of optimization of this process.

The research revealed a number of conceptual positions ensuring enhancement of efficiency and orientation of the training process towards actions in the highlands, the most important among them being:

  1. Development of students’ motivation for physical exercises on a climbing wall.
  2. Simulation of various highland operations when performing training complexes.
  3. Formation of high physical and mental readiness to work in the highlands.

The findings of the educational experiment testify to the high effectiveness of the elaborated technology of application of training complexes in the physical training process of future rescuers to act in the highlands (Table 2).

Table 2. Dynamics of indicators of students’ physical fitness in study (n=21) and reference (n=21) groups



Initial data

Result data


100 m sprint, sec









Climbing wall exercise – “traverse”, sec









3 km race, sec



781,8±14,1 787,6±12,3





Climbing wall exercise – “height”, sec









Pull-ups, number of reps









Climbing wall exercise – “negative slope”, sec










The study group subjects who purposefully developed physical qualities and applied skills of efficient operation in the highlands had a more notable progress compared with the reference group subjects.

Significant differences were found in the indicators characterizing the level of skills of effective actions on a climbing wall in the “traverse” and “height” exercises and in the strength and endurance development levels.

Conclusions. The process of physical training of future rescuers to work in the highlands should be considered in the aggregate of structural components, functional connections and relationships. This led to certain integrity, stability and internal organization of the educational technology of application of training complexes, in the framework of physical training of future rescuers to act in the highlands.


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The paper concerns the physical training process of future rescuers to work in the highlands in the aggregate of structural components, functional connections and relationships. This ensured certain integrity, stability and internal organization of the educational technology of application of training complexes, in the framework of physical training of future rescuers to act in the highlands.
Objective of the research was to develop an educational technology of application of training complexes for future rescuers to be ready for actions in the highlands.