Cardiorespiratory performance and spine biomechanics in children with fault in posture under mechanotherapy



Dr.Med. E.S. Sabir'yanova1
Dr.Med., Professor A.R. Sabir'yanov2
Master's degree student E.S. Kharlamov1
1Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk
2South Ural State Medical University, Chelyabinsk

Keywords: fault in posture, mechanotherapy, spine biomechanics, cardiorespiratory system.

Introduction. The functional state and physical development of children is currently accompanied by a small amount of physical activity due to the growing study load, implementation of computer technologies and low motivation to maintain and improve health [1, 2, 6]. This fact contributes to overall asthenization, development of muscle groups’ imbalance and impairments of the musculoskeletal system that are often manifested in child’s posture changes [3-5]. At the same time a reduction in the impact of these factors does not lead to a complete recovery of the posture due to both insufficient assessment of the state and imbalance of the spine muscles and accurate dosing and their full exposure when performing corrective exercises.  

Objective of the research was to assess the impact of the exercises aimed at strengthening and eliminating the imbalance of the spine muscles on the performance of the cardiorespiratory system and vertebral motor segments in senior pupils with fault in posture in the sagittal plane.

Research method and organization. Subject to study were 120 senior pupils of the I and II health groups with fault in posture known as “round-concave back”. Testing of mobility (in degrees), spinal muscles strength (Nm) and their imbalance was performed on the training and diagnostic equipment David Back Concept, consisting of a set of block systems for movements in the sagittal and frontal planes with automatic processing and comparison of the obtained results. Data provided in the work of A. Denner [7] served as standard values of spine mobility and strength of examined muscles of senior pupils. Cardiorespiratory performance was assessed by means of Stange© and Ghencea© respiratory tests and impedance rheography on the basis of MARG-10-01 “Microlux” computer apparatus: heart rate (HR per minute), systolic (SBP, mmHg) and diastolic (DBP, mmHg) blood pressure, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF, %) and respiratory rate (RR per minute). 

Both groups had a total of 10 sessions of classic back and neck massage performed every other day. In addition, corrective gymnastics sessions were held in the reference group (RG, n=60) every other day (12 sessions, 40 minutes each), which included exercises that strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back, neck and abdomen. Sessions of exercises with the David Back Concept equipment were held in the study group (SG, n=60), there were 12 sessions 40 minutes each that included static-dynamic exercises impacting the posterior, anterior and side neck muscles; straight, lateral, oblique abdominal muscles and spinal erectors.  

Research results and discussion. Studies have shown that no statistical changes in strength and imbalance of the examined muscles were revealed in the reference group over the period of observation. The absence of significant dynamics is undoubtedly accounted for by the insufficient duration of the held course of corrective methods and the observation time, the impossibility of optimal dosage and accuracy of performance of the exercises during group classes (10 people). However, despite the short period of observation, changes of most parameters of the children from the study group were statistically significant (Tables 1 and 2). As can be seen from Tables 1 and 2, intersexual differences are observed in the study group in terms of the mobility and strength of the spine muscles dynamics under the influence of the recreational massage and gymnastics as well as of the baseline indicators (the latter were observed in the reference group too). In particular, a reduction in the volume of extension in the cervical (N – 79.2°) and thoracolumbar (N – 29.63°) regions of the spine was observed in boys during baseline studies, and the volume of lateral flexion increased significantly (43.75° - in the cervical region; 35.0° - in the thoracolumbar region). There was an unequal decline in the strength of most muscle groups examined, except for the lateral muscles in the thoracolumbar region of the spine.   

Static postural changes in the sagittal plane were accompanied by an increase in the strength coefficient of anteroposterior muscles of the cervical spine, while this figure in the thoracolumbar region of the spine is reduced, indicating weakness of the rectus abdominis muscles. In case of the girls, unlike the boys, the volumes of flexion in both the cervical (N – 65.3°) and thoracolumbar (N – 50.5°) regions of the spine is reduced, and muscle strength indices are lower only in the cervical region of the spine while the changes of coefficients have similar trends. Repeated studies in the study group have shown that a growth of the volume of movements in the sagittal plane of the thoracolumbar region of the spine is observed under the influence of recreational massage combined with gymnastics. At the same time there is an increase of flexion in the cervical region of the spine of the boys and an increase of the lateral flexion volume in the thoracolumbar region of the spine of the girls. In addition, both of the groups showed a significant increase in spine muscles strength along with increasing coefficients of strength in the sagittal plane. 

Table 1. Spine mobility dynamics under the influence of recreational massage and mechanotherapy in children with “round-concave back”.

Region of spine




Baseline data

In 1 month


Baseline data

In 1 month


Cervical spine mobility

Extension, °







Flexion, °







Lean right,°







Lean left,°







Thoracolumbar spine mobility

Extension, °







Flexion, °







Lean right,°







Lean left,°







Given the characteristics of the spine statics in case of the

“round-concave back” the anterior group of the neck and abdomen muscles is not only weakened but also pulled. Therefore, the degree of strength increase of this muscle group during the process of training is more manifested, which can contribute to stabilization of the spine in the sagittal plane despite growing imbalance. 

Some differences are observed in the dynamics of the indicators which speaks of overall adaptive changes in the children’s bodies, in particular in their cardiorespiratory system. For example, despite the fact that an increase of the breath-holding time is observed during Stange and Ghencea respiratory tests, the overall dynamics is more pronounced. In particular, the boys’ Stange respiratory test results increased from 45.0±1.16 to 60.24±1.53 s (р<0.001; up to 33.86%) in the study group versus 45.7±1.56 to 51.0±1.68 s (р<0.05; up to 11.6%) in the reference group.

Table 2. Spine muscles strength dynamics influenced by recreational massage and mechanotherapy in children with “round-concave back”.  

Region of spine




Baseline data

In 1 month


Baseline data

In 1 month


Strength of cervical spine muscles

Posterior, Nm







Anterior, Nm







C. anterior/posterior, units  







Right lateral muscles, Nm







Left lateral muscles, Nm







Strength of thoracolumbar spine muscles

Spinal erector, Nm







Abdominal rectus muscle, Nm







C. spinal erector/abdominal rectus muscle, units







Right lateral muscles, Nm







Left lateral muscles, Nm







Right oblique muscles, Nm







Left oblique muscles, Nm







Legend: C. – coefficient.

A statistically significant (р<0.05) decrease in blood pressure and increase in left ventricular ejection fraction were revealed in the study group. For example, systolic blood pressure dynamics of boys changed from 104.53±1.53 to 100.34±1.01 mmHg (4.01%), diastolic blood pressure – from 65.87±1.5 to 61.44±1.42 mmHg (6.73%), and ejection fraction – from 61.3±0.68% to 63.24±0.64% (3.16%). In addition, a decrease in the frequency of breathing from 21.0±0.56 to 19.33±0.41 per minute (р<0.05; up to 7.95%) was observed in the girls of the main group. Consequently, a combination of recreational massage and measured static and dynamic exercises can effectively improve cardiorespiratory performance and tolerance to hypoxia. We can assume that the changes in the cardiorespiratory system results not only from adaptation to recreational techniques, but also from optimization of the vertebral column biomechanics, strengthening of muscles that has a reflex influence on the performance of the circulatory and respiratory systems by means of neuronal motor-visceral connections.  

Conclusion. The results of the study demonstrated significant efficacy of measured and controlled exercises aimed at strengthening the spine muscles of children with fault in posture known as “round-concave back”. Increase of strength and optimization of spine muscles imbalance were observed along with the enhancement of the cardiorespiratory performance of children.      


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Abstract. The article analyzes the effect of mechanotherapy on the performance of the cardiorespiratory system and spine biomechanics in children with fault in posture. Objective of the research was to study the impact of the exercises aimed at strengthening and eliminating the imbalance of the spine muscles on the performance of the cardiorespiratory system and vertebral motor segments in senior pupils with fault in posture in the sagittal plane. The work provides a comparative analysis of the impact of exercise routine that includes mechanotherapy and corrective gymnastics. Testing on the training and diagnostic equipment David Back Concept, impedance rheography on the basis of MARG-10-01 “Microlux” computer apparatus, Stange and Ghencea respiratory tests were used to assess the research results. The study involved senior pupils of the I and II health groups with fault in posture known as “round-concave back”.   Assessment of spine mobility and strength of paravertebral muscles was carried out. We also studied the dynamics of heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, left ventricular ejection fraction and respiratory rate. Measured and controlled exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the vertebral column in children with fault in posture known as “round-concave back” were proven to be effective. Not only increased strength and optimization of the imbalance of the spine muscles were observed, but also improvements of the cardiorespiratory performance of children.