Civil-patriotic education of sports university students



Dr.Hab., Professor L.A. Lipskaya
Dr.Hab., Professor E.F. Orekhov
Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk

Keywords: civic and national education system, patriotism, civic consciousness, patriotic ideas and values

Introduction. The relevance of the problem of civic and national education of students in institutions of higher sport education is stipulated by the aggravated international situation, and specifically in the field of elite sport, as well as increasing extremism and terrorism threats. So the need for strengthening of spiritual and moral principles, civic consciousness and patriotism of Russian athletes and coaches, who are ready to defend the interests of their country, is especially critical today. The versatility of the process of civic and national education implies the involvement of numerous social institutions, higher education institutes of physical culture among them. Higher education largely determines the formation of public awareness and civic position of students, their ability and willingness to display patriotic qualities, including during their sports and physical training activity. However, as practice shows, university teachers are not experienced enough in civic and national education of students, whose personal becoming is rarely affected by the targeted socializing impact on the part of university. In this regard, the state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation on 2016-2020" [4], which reveals the ways and tools of development of the university patriotic education system, is becoming increasingly important.

Objective of the study was to provide a theoretical substantiation and practical studies of the system of civic and national education of students in universities of physical culture, aimed at the formation of patriotism and civic consciousness, law-obedience and responsibility, self-reliance and proactiveness, selfless devotion to their native country and readiness to fulfill constitutional obligations.

Methods and structure of the study. The research work in this field conducted at the premises of Ural State University of Physical Culture is based on the "Targeted integrated program of civic and national education of students". In accordance with this program, a system of civic and patriotic education of students is to be formed in higher school, and as its structural elements it should include the following interrelated blocks: regulatory and target, axiological and conceptual, effective and procedural. This system of measures involves all levels of training and educational activities, including college, bachelor degree course, masters course and doctoral degree, and suggests the continuity and advance of educational measures in student groups, faculties and university as a whole, both during class hours and extracurricular classes [3, p . 4]. The program is geared to purposefully form civic consciousness and state mentality in students, their readiness to take an active part in socially beneficial activities, as well as sports and physical training activity, including success in the "Ready for Labor and Defence" complex texts. Mutual efforts of the university staff have recently resulted in the establishment of the necessary conditions for more efficient and effective civic and national education system. An important aspect here is to create an integrated socio-cultural educational space, that, on the one hand, would be favorable for the spiritual and moral, civic and patriotic development of a student’s personality, development of a sense of duty and responsibility, citizenship, and on the other hand would work against the destructive phenomena in the student body, manifestations of nationalism and extremism [2, p. 96]. The purpose of all working programs of the disciplines is patriotic education of students. During the socio-humanitarian training, special focus is on the axiological approach to civic and national education of students, enabling them to determine the most significant values; students get an idea of the peculiarities of the state structure, political system of the Russian society, of the changes in the leading spheres of social life, political and legal norms and legitimate political activity. This approach makes it possible to consider the training of students "as a particular value system that provides spiritual, intellectual, volitional development of the personality" [1, p. 18]. Interactive training methods used by teachers are aimed at strengthening patriotic values, humanity, respect for the native country, its historical past and present, the state and its political institutions, multinational people and individuals.

The process of creation of educational environment filled with patriotic values ​​and senses, that would foster love for the native country and respect for its heroic and labor past, starts at the first year of studies at university when students make familiar with the historical fate of both their people and small motherland - the history of Urals. Educational process involves such forms of work as: patriotically-oriented lectures-conversations; quiz "What, where, when?" to test knowledge of our country's history; research paper competition dedicated to Victory Day; politological essay contest "The concept of ​​national unity"; culturological debate-searching for the spiritual bonds of the society; discussion on the activities of our government in the international arena and fight against terrorism.

This ensures the formation of students' civic culture and legal consciousness, Russian identity, their involvement in current events, develops a sense of responsibility for the destiny of their country.

The system of educational work involves a set of various extracurricular activities: visits to military and labor halls of fame, meetings with veterans, famous people of the city and the region, prominent scientists and athletes, students’ participation in volunteer activities, in particular, in the Sochi Winter Olympics and various international competitions in Chelyabinsk.

Results and discussion. The results of the survey conducted among the first- and second-year students prove that the majority of the respondents are proud of our country, its history, its defensive might, and consider it a great power. From the key values ​​of patriotism they single out: "love of their country", "respect and love for their people". The survey revealed that, despite the experienced difficulties, young people are motivated not only by the economic concern but also by the patriotic feelings caused by the strengthening of the defense capacity and security of our country. They believe that our government, in spite of the political pressure from outside, will be able to cope with them.

The discussion of the international and domestic issues during political science classes develops state mentality and national identity in students. Students understand that sport is a continuity with the international policy, that it also involves not only sports, but also political struggle, and not always by means of legitimate methods. They fall in with the views of the management of sport organizations in our country that the attempt to exclude Russian athletes from the 2016 Olympics and the statements on the need to run the total check-out of our athletes are a continuity with the Western policy of isolationism in our country, the desire to discredit Russian sport and eliminate strong competitors. At the same time, the discussion of "doping scandals" at the seminars with students majoring in "Physical Education" indicates that they disapprove athletes who use doping, because it diminishes the prestige of Russia in the modern world in general and in sport in particular.

Currently, a paradoxical situation has come about: it is getting more and more difficult to find the present-day examples of the humanizing and peaceful role of sports in both culture and politics. According to V.I. Stolyarov and A.A. Peredelsky, it is the field of sports where we can observe the most vivid and clear conflict "between the real mass manifestations of inhumane attitude to health, life, fate of specific people - athletes" [5, p. 377]. Unfortunately, the researchers do not see how to resolve this contradiction by means of "the references to the moral and idealistic abstractions". At the same time, teachers try to explain to students the elevating role of sports, the need to develop and implement humanistic sports methods.

Teachers of humanities and social sciences are particularly concerned about the attempts of various extremist organizations to manipulate the mind and to recruit the representatives of university students. In this view, civic and national education consists in the formation of students’ ability to withstand various types of extremist propaganda and resist any attempts to be recruited to the prohibited radical organizations. Both during the survey and in the essay, students condemn planting of ideas by means of violence, terror, fight against "disbelievers".

Conclusions. The findings revealed a recent increase of the number of university civic and national education activities, which had a pronounced effect on the formation of students' patriotic qualities, a sense of pride for their native country, respect for the memory of ancestors and heroes. In general, it is the humanistic values, constructive thinking, positive ideals and legitimate behavioral stereotypes that predominate in the majority of students. They are characterized by a favorable attitude towards representatives of other nationalities, cultures and religions. According to survey data, students share the same values ​​inherent in different religions, including Christianity and Islam. What counts for them are such religious values ​​as caring for children and parents, respect for elders, aid to relatives and neighbors, which testifies to the commitment of young people to the principles of humanism and solidarity.

However, not all students of higher education institutes of physical culture understand the importance of not merely patriotic ideals but also patriotic deeds. This requires all subjects of the educational space to coordinate their efforts aimed at the development of patriotically-oriented activity, which consists in spiritual and moral self-improvement, readiness to defend the interests of their native country, including during international sport competitions.


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The paper analyzes the research data on the problems of civic and national education of students in institutions of higher sport education. Objective of the work conducted in higher education institutes of physical culture is to create the system of civic and national education of students, geared to form patriotism and civic consciousness, law-obedience and responsibility, self-reliance and proactiveness, selfless devotion to their native country and readiness to fulfill constitutional obligations. The article provides the insight into the difficulties of formation of patriotism and civic consciousness in students. It reveals the features of the multi-level system of civic and national education at Ural State University of Physical Culture, which involves all the levels of training and educational activities, including college, bachelor degree course, masters course and doctoral degree; presents the continuity of the forms and methods of organization of educational work during class hours and extracurricular classes. Based on the results of the survey of students, we were able to determine patriotic values ​​and ideals, including common religious values, ​​as well as the values ​​of physical culture and sport. It is shown that for the majority of students it is humanistic system of values, constructive thinking, positive ideals and legitimate behavioral patterns that are prevalent. Students share the same values ​​of the world's leading religions. Tolerant, favorable attitude towards representatives of other nationalities, cultures and religions are typical of them.