Heart pumping function within enhancement of speed endurance of athletes



Associate Professor, PhD R.R. Abzalov
Associate Professor, PhD N.I. Abzalov
Postgraduate T.K. KhasanovDr.Biol., Professor R.A. Abzalov
Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan


Keywords: speed, speed endurance efficiency, heart pumping function, athletes, fencing.

Introduction. Physical quality of speed and speed endurance ability have an integral characteristic for determining motor abilities of man [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8]. Speed ability intensively develops in adolescence [4]. The process of speed development continues during subsequent stages of lifespan development as well. Formation of speed endurance takes longer and depends on the heart pumping function. Resting heart rate of those engaged in fencing is higher than that of other sports representatives [7, 9, 10, 11]. At the same time, existing methods for determining speed and speed endurance do not make it possible to detect their more complete characteristics and define the dynamics of development. Therefore, studying speed, speed endurance and heart pumping function of athletes, especially in case of systematic speed and muscle strength training, is relevant.

Objective of the research was to study the specifics of development of speed, speed endurance efficiency and heart pumping function of fencers of various skill levels.

Research methods and organization. The research was conducted at the Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture and Sport of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University. Students of the Specialized Children and Youth Fencing Sports School of the Olympic Reserve of the Republic of Tatarstan were involved. The subjects (102 persons, both male and female) were divided into 4 groups based on sport skills: the students of the first one belong to the 3rd category; those of the second one – the 1st category; the third one consisted of Candidates for Master of Sports; the fourth one – of Masters of Sports. The reference group (49 persons, both male and female) consisted of 10th and 11th-graders of comprehensive schools, non-athletes.

A special device for determining quantitative characteristics of arm and hand movements with maximum rate per 10 seconds was made to study the physical quality of speed and speed endurance efficiency. The device was installed at a height adjustable and comfortable for the subject; a laptop with the function of video recording was placed in front of him. The camera records the subject performing an exercise in order to determine qualitative parameters of the test task in slow motion. Every time the subject’s hand touched the platform, a light on the device came on. The movement performed by the subject was recorded by the camera. Heart pumping function was studied by recording a tetrapolar thoracic rheogram [1].

Results and discussion. Speed ability level of the 3rd sports category fencers was higher than in the reference group. In terms of speed fencers of the 1st category exceed those not engaged in sports by 19.19 touches for males and 23.39 repetitions for females. Speed parameters of Candidates for Master of Sport proved to exceed those of the reference group members by 32.20 touches for males and by 28.38 for females. Masters of Sports have higher speed values: 112.11±7.77 touches for males and 98.09±6.48 touches for females. It should be noted that the speed increase rate decreased within the range from the reference group to that of Masters of Sports along with the transition from one sports category to another.

Speed endurance determined by the time of test task performance at the pace set was significantly higher in the fencers of the 1st category than in non-athletes. The highest values of speed endurance were found in Masters of Sports being higher than those of non-athletes 1.73 times for males and 1.83 times for females. Speed endurance efficiency coefficient defined as the ratio of the maximum number of touches during test task performance at the set pace to the number of touches during test performance (75% of max) for 10 seconds, increases along with sport skills. Speed endurance efficiency coefficient of fencers, Masters of Sports, is higher than in the other groups.

Heart rate of the subjects of the 3rd sports category did not differ from the values of those not engaged in sports. Both males and females of the 1st category had much lower heart rate compared to the reference group. Masters of Sports have lower values of heart rate compared to those of the other groups: 64.13±1.81 beats/min for males and 63.15±1.49 beats/min for females.

Stroke volume of fencers of the 3rd category was higher than that of non-athletes by a statistically significant value. The highest stroke volume values in our research were those of Masters of Sports: 79.18±1.54 ml for males and 71.38±1.48 ml for females (Р≤0.05). Stroke output of fencers was less than values obtained from athletes in other sports. Consequently, muscle training geared to develop speed and speed endurance helps maintain the heart rate while at rest at an elevated level, thus reducing the risk of development of myocardial hypertrophy. As a result, the stroke volume of fencers was relatively small.

Conclusion. Thus, during speed and muscle strength training the speed parameters of fencers increase depending on their sport skills, but at the same time the values of speed increase drop. Speed endurance and its growth rates in fencers increase along with higher sport skill levels. Based on the results of our research it is important to maintain the achieved level of motor actions performance speed while planning training loads and on this basis develop speed endurance, increasing its efficiency. Increased cardiac contractility of fencers provides the necessary stroke output for optimal motor activity. All this together ensures achievement of high results not only in sports but in all spheres of man's activity. The findings of the research are of practical and socio-economic relevance.


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Corresponding author: 2902207@mail.ru


The paper describes the features of development of the motor qualities of speed, speed endurance ability and heart pumping function in athletes involved in fencing. Speed and speed endurance evaluation methods were designed along with the speed endurance efficiency calculation method. A special device was created to measure speed data using a test task. The apparatus is placed on a pedestal of adjustable height with a laptop with the video recording function put in front of it. The video camera captures performance of exercises to calculate in slow-motion replay the quantitative parameters of the test task, which is vertical up and down arm movements at maximal speed for 10 seconds. Every time the hand touches the platform of the apparatus the light on it turns on. The movement performed by the subject is recorded on a camera. The obtained results are processed and systematized for analysis.

In the course of speed-strength muscle training the fencers' speed growth rate is reducing. Speed endurance ability indicators are steadily rising. Research of speed and speed endurance ability showed that speed endurance efficiency values increase depending on sport skill level, masters of sport have the highest indices. Heart pumping function was studied by registering thoracic tetrapolar rheogram. The method is based on recording the electrical resistance of the living tissues, changing during blood filling fluctuations in the cardiac cycle, when subject to high-frequency, but low-power current. Stroke volume was calculated by the formula of W.G. Kubicek (1974). Heart rate fall and increase of stroke volume of fencers were less pronounced than in other sports.