Variations of planning and organization of domiciliary physical culture and sports activities



A.S. Yakovlev1
M.A. Naumova1
E.A. Kalieva1
1 Department of Sport and Youth Policy of the City Administration of Tyumen


Keywords: variety of planning and organization options, domiciliary physical education and sports activities, communication marketing.

Introduction. The development of mass sport is one of priority directions of Tyumen's policy. It is important to organize physical education and sports activities in residential communities of the city, targeted at involvement of population in regular physical education activities for Tyumen residents to form their healthy lifestyle values, be physically fit and engaged in active leisure activities.

In terms of socio-economic and political reforms in Russia, strengthening of spiritual and physical health of Russians, formation of healthy lifestyle through engagement of people from various social and age groups in physical education and sports activities are a priority. This is also confirmed by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, dated 24 March 2014 № 17 “On the Russian “Ready for Labour and Defence (GTO) physical culture and sports complex” and as a result, the action plan aimed at implementation of this decree. Successful solution of important national tasks mainly depends on the effectiveness of organization of municipal physical education and sports activities.

In accordance with the decree of the Tyumen Administration dated 5 November 2014 № 822-rk “On establishment of the “Development of physical education and sport in the city of Tyumen for 2015 - 2020” municipal program one of the main objectives is to create conditions for mass physical education and sports activities and form healthy lifestyle of Tyumen residents by organizing domiciliary physical education and sports activities with the population.

This work was partially substantiated in 1999-2004 by scientists P.G. Smirnov, V.G. Khromin [4, 7], but further developed and practically approved – in 2013 in the study of S.V Ivanova named “Environmental approach to municipal organization of domiciliary physical education and sports activities” [1, 2].

These days we consider and use rather new approaches to the effective realization of activities with the population both in terms of system management of sport organizers' work and engagement of all socio-demographic communities by virtue of increasing the variety of recreational domiciliary activities.

Objective of the research was to improve domiciliary physical education and sports activities using different planning and organization options.

Materials and methods. Domiciliary physical education and sports activities are one of the directions of implementation of systemic innovations in management of physical education and sport in Tyumen, where the primary goal is to create conditions for the population contributing to the formation of conscious need for motor activity [3, 8].

To accomplish the stated objective, the work is being realized since 2012 in accordance with the principles of variation of planning and organization options.

All rates of the sport organizers are distributed territorially between the institutions subordinated to the Department of Sport and Youth Policy, thereby, ensuring a systemic control and adjustment of health and fitness activities of institutions’ administrators.

The work on enhancing the activities and involvement of all socio-demographic communities of Tyumen in training sessions and events is being carried out.

Thus, today the people have an opportunity to train at no cost in 34 areas: team games (football, volleyball, basketball, streetball, goalball, handball, ping-pong, rugby, hockey, bandy, darts, golf, floorball, boccia), tourism and orienteering, outdoor games, table games (chess, checkers), sword fencing, skiing, skating, bar strength exercises, artistic gymnastics, articular gymnastics, breathing exercises, yoga, Nordic walking, morning exercises, conditioning and winter swimming, running sports club, dancing, aerobics, cheerleading.

Training sessions are arranged at various facilities of the city according to balance participation and for the intended purpose: game facilities, fitness centers, aerobics and dance rooms, chess rooms, stadiums, outdoor sport fields, hockey arena, bar complexes, squares and public gardens, pedestrian and cycle lanes, open air pools.

Results and discussion. Implementation of these actions made it possible to significantly increase the number of people trained by sport organizers, from 8002 people (2012) to 20 065 (2015) without additional budgetary funds.

According to the statistical data only 20,3% of women are involved into regular physical education and sports activities. Therefore, it is relevant to develop physical activities for women of various age categories. That is Nordic walking, dancing, aerobics, stretching, yoga.

Public­private partnership is another significant step in the development of domiciliary physical education and sports activities. Thus, today sports activities are arranged for the population at no cost at the premises of four fitness clubs ( “Sokol” health and fitness club, “Antey” athletic club, “Athletic Gym” fitness-club chain and two dance studios ( “Sitara” dancing school and “Choreography center of Ksenia Shumikhina”) of private ownership.

Taking into account that the major part of the population work in the local companies, we think it is important to involve the employed people in regular physical education and sports activities. It is highly important to ensure promotion and improvement of health of working people and to engage them in regular training. Today we see positive dynamics in the quantity of people involved in physical education and sports activities on a regular basis, and in order to keep such tendency, it is necessary to promote it among the working staff of the city. It is also important to understand the role and contribution of the heads of companies and organizations to the development of physical education and sport, as the organizational level of physical education and sports activities of staff mainly depends on the director's interest. There are good examples in our city, where the company directors give due consideration to the creation of modern conditions for physical education and sports training, conduct active work, as well as participate in municipal health and fitness events.

In terms of interaction between companies and organizations of different forms of ownership and the Department, the companies always receive relevant information on municipal mass health and fitness events and sport days the working staffs can visit and participate in. Besides, the Department provides assistance to the companies in creation of conditions for continuous support of employees with free services in the physical education and sport sector in terms of domiciliary health and fitness activities. Furthermore, working schedule of domiciliary sport organizers is sent to people based on age groups (18 to 60 years) every month.

In order to promote physical education and sport among the working population, the Annual Spartakiad of Tyumen companies and organizations is included in the schedule of the Department of Sport and Youth Policy. Similar work is conducted in terms of annual city review contest of physical and sport activities “Sport Tyumen” to mark the companies that effectively implement health and fitness activities at the end of the year.

In order to extend and promote healthy lifestyle, in addition to already known and tested tools and methods of involvement of working staff into regular physical training, it is necessary to thoroughly study the peculiarities of interaction with this category of people and offer new forms of health and fitness work with regard to the most relevant and appealing ways of its organization. Therefore, the Department is going to launch two experimental projects, the first project – monitoring of the companies' needs aimed at formation of individual service packages. In terms of its realization, the Department will develop a questionnaire comprising the company's data (name, address, contact information of the director, activity area, staff, number of men and women, as well as age category of the employees). The second project – “Office gymnastics” – implies the formation and promotion of individual service packages for companies and organizations of the city considering their specifics. This work includes the elaboration and distribution of reminders about labour physical education indicating the recommended exercises, as well as holding “the P.E. break” with the staff during the working day, engaging the resources of municipal establishments subordinated to the Department.

The implementation of such variants of work with the staff is caused by extreme benefit of a short-term physical activity during the working day: if to consider the segment of office employees, then the majority of employees spends most of their working time by the computer and their motor activity throughout the day is extremely limited. Thus, sedentary lifestyle and almost complete immobility during eight (if not ten) working hours can inevitably lead to health problems. Moreover, negative effect can be aggravated by the strenuous nervous and mental load the employee is subject to, as sedentary work requires highly strained concentration, sight, hearing, and this leads to an exhaustion of the nervous system. At the same time, regular breaks for office gymnastics can be easily implemented in the working schedule in most of the offices. Innovation will not negatively affect working productivity, on the contrary, it will help increase performance, productivity and strengthen health of the employees. Since the primary task of labour physical education is to make work activities more efficient, exercising during the working day helps reduce fatigue and stress, restore vigor and maintain high performance of the staff.

Popularization, distribution and promotion of a healthy lifestyle help involve not only working population, but also different age and social groups into regular physical education and sports activities. One of the most significant components here is communication marketing, developed by the Department under the principle of integral information material, distributed to all mass media.

Nowadays, it is communication marketing, which helps promote information in the of sport and youth policy sector. Thus, information on training opportunities is brought to the population through:

– traditional mass media: television, radio, printed press;

– web promotion: corporate site, social networks, data portals of Tyumen;

– information stands located in residential compounds, at public transport stops and in institutions of compulsory and supplementary education;

– traffic system: in public transport, on plasma screens;

– shopping malls: using advertising spaces, audio advertisement, plasma screens.


Taking into account the results and practical experience, the priority directions of the development of domiciliary physical education and sports activities are to be such areas as:

  • strengthening of the internal and external management of domiciliary physical education and sports activities;
  • improving the conditions and possibilities of physical education and sports environment of residential communities;
  • creation and offering individual service packages for companies and organizations of the city;
  • implementation of public­private partnership with fitness clubs of the city.
  • co­financing program in the most popular areas.


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Objective of the research was to improve domiciliary physical education and sports activities using different variants of planning and organization.

Taking into account the results and practices, the priority directions of the development of domiciliary physical education and sports activities are to be such areas as strengthening of the internal and external management of domiciliary physical education and sports activities, improving the conditions and possibilities of physical education and sports environment in residential communities, creation and offering individual service packages for companies and organizations of the city, implementing public­private partnership with fitness clubs of the city, co­financing program in the most popular areas.