Innovative management as basis for municipal development of school, youth and mass sport



Associate professor, Ph.D. E.V. Khromin1
Dr.Hab. E.A. Korotkova2
A.V. Kolychev1 
N.G. Radostev1 
1Administration of Tyumen
2Branch of Tyumen State University in Tobolsk


Keywords: physical education and sport, integration, intensification, systemic innovation, vocational and training specialization, infrastructure, monitoring, communicative marketing, promotion in media.

Introduction. Innovative management acts as an effective way to achieve the objectives, providing new opportunities for nation’s health improvement, raising the living standards of the Russians.

Current development of the society requires the substantiation of strategic approaches to updating and improving the quality of management systems at different levels, as well as developing the mechanisms to solve these tasks in practice. Hence, it is extremely important to investigate the problems of innovative management and management innovations, the role and function of which are determined by fundamental changes in the content and nature of information, methodological and practical basis of development of physical culture and sports sphere.

Objective of the study was to enhance the opportunities, increase public interest to school and mass sport, regular physical education and sports activities and to create the conditions for active development of youth sport in terms of innovative management.

Methods and organisation of the research. Since 2013, the specialists from the Department of Sport and Youth Policy of the City Administration of Tyumen together with the scientists from Tyumen State University are elaborating the theoretical and methodological foundations for a strategic approach to innovative management in the physical education and sports sector, as well as developing and testing the mechanisms of implementation of systemic innovations.

In our study, we adhere to the intensive strategy of health improvement and increase of the number of people involved in physical education and sports activities. This strategy, even with the limited resources, helps find internal reserves to enhance the health improvement policy for different social groups, including schoolchildren, due to the implementation of innovations in educational, vocational and training processes.

Results and discussion. Systemic innovations are interrelated local innovations, which have much greater system effect and have new functions.

Municipal bank of innovative solutions, tested and implemented on experimental sites of Tyumen, introduces the following systemic innovations:

– formation of monitoring-based clusters of municipal physical education and sports facilities;

– variations of planning and organization of domiciliary health and fitness activities for people;

– quality control of management of children's and youth sport;

– integration of compulsory (general), additional education and vocational training;

– communicative marketing and promotion of the physical education and sports sector in media.

1.The first innovation acts as a basis for realization of the next ones, as it implies not only physical education and sports facilities, but also their classification into groups, united by a common method of analysis and intended use. Elaboration of continuous schedule of exploitation (operation), e.g. of all physical education and sports facilities of residential district (gyms in general schools, gyms of additional education institutions, planar structures), makes it possible to intensify all forms of physical education and sports activities for children and youth, as well as elderly people. This contributes to effective use of material and technical base, which is extremely insufficient when using another approach. It is common knowledge that all sports facilities are used separately, depending on their intended purpose: sport school facilities are used for vocational and training activities, but during the shift change (from 12.00 till 15.00) they are all empty; gyms of comprehensive schools – for physical education classes, thus school stadiums are used at the discretion of teachers and as a rule are not included in the curriculum; yard playgrounds – for physical activities with the population, which are held mainly in the evening. Therefore, formation of clusters of physical education and sports facilities makes it possible to increase the efficiency of their use, along with enhancing the development of school, mass and youth sport.

2. It is possible to enhance the capabilities and increase the public interest in mass sport and regular physical education and sport activities due to variations of planning and organization of domiciliary health and fitness activities for people.

For many years, this area has been in the focus of attention of Tyumen scientists and specialists. In the early 2000s, the needs of people from different residential districts have been studied, and based on this the pattern of health and fitness activities was developed (P.G. Smirnov, V.G. Khromin, 2003). Hereafter, the environmental approach to the municipal organization of physical education and sports activities with the population was tested and helped determine favorable correlation (social, spatial and substantive, technological) of components of physical education and sports environment of residential communities in the context of updating physical and sports needs of people, under the condition of partnership of various institutions and organizations based on network interaction (S.V. Ivanova, I.V. Manzheley, 2013).

Today we offer relatively new approaches to the effective realization of physical culture and sports activities for people both in terms of system management of sports administrators’ work and engagement of all socio-demographic communities by virtue of increasing the variety of domiciliary health and fitness activities.

The key results are: increase of the number of people trained under the supervision of sports administrators (without additional funding), from 8000 people in 2012 to 20 000 in 2014; enhancement of spatial and substantive component of sports environment as the sport administrators use the whole sports base, forest and parkland zones of the district in their activities (166 sports facilities were involved in 2015); increase of the variety of physical education and sports activities from 8-10 in 2012 to 34 in 2015.

Promising trends in the development of domiciliary physical education and sports activities are as follows:

  • strengthening of the external and internal management of domiciliary physical education and sports activities;
  • improving the physical education and sport conditions and facilities in residential communities;
  • creation and promotion of individual service packages for companies and organizations of the city;
  • implementation of public­private partnership with organizations and fitness clubs of the city.
  • implementation of co­financing programs in the most popular areas.

Integration of compulsory (general), additional education and vocational training is the leading systemic innovation in the management of physical education and sport sector in Tyumen.

A variety of innovative projects is being realized in terms of complete integration:

  • The “Interest-based physical education sessions for 9th to 11th-graders” Project, based on the concept of vocational training specialization, the essence of which lies in more effective solution of common objectives and tasks of school physical education through partial use of principles and tools of athletic training in the chosen sport. Herewith, 1 academic hour of physical education session is added per week due to additional education, which is why the classes are held 2 times per week for 2 hours.
  •  In the 2014/2015 academic year 7 schools participated in the project, and 13 schools of the city - from September 2015. The total number of senior pupils engaged in sports training is more than 2500 people.
  • The “General school SPORT” Project also involves the resources of compulsory (general) and additional education institutions to promote sports, sports orientation and qualification, more enhanced studying of various sports, and of course promotion of physical fitness and health of the pupils.
  • In the 2014/2015 academic year the following projects have been successfully implemented: “School judo”, at the premises of 5 schools children were engaged in judo during the 3rd lessons of Physical Education (1200 people); “School golf” (60 people); “School rugby” (1 school, 60 people); “School chess” (20 schools, 1089 people) “School dance” (90 people). The classes are held at the premises of general schools and institutions of additional education (from 12 h to 15h), located within walking distance.
  • From September 1, 2015 the following sports have been introduced into the project: wrestling, track and field athletics (in conditions of modern indoor track), handball, hockey, kettlebell lifting.
  • The “Organization of various specialized sports classes” project implies forming specialized classes of the most promising athletes of a certain age category. They are provided with the convenient schedules for learning and training sessions.
  • In Tyumen 5 specialized judo classes, 2 specialized dance, hockey, volleyball, and basketball classes have been created.
  • The “Monitoring of pupils' health and physical fitness” project is used to determine the Tyumen pupils' readiness for GTO tests and provides correction and qualitative methodological measures of their physical education based on the latest updates.
  • The “Sportization of students' physical education” Project implies realization of the Physical Education work program, designed on the basis of a modular-rating system of organization of an educational process [6]. Physical education is based on sports interests of students and free choice of elective sports courses. Thus, the “Physical Education” discipline acquires the form of sport training, allowing partially use the principles that significantly increase the level of physical fitness and health of the pupils. Annual amount of Physical Education hours for a pupil is 136; lessons are held twice a week for 2 hours.

This form makes it possible to refer the pupils to those training regularly.

In Tyumen State University, the sportization process is being realized since early 2000s and among 10 thousand of full-time students, 70% are systematically engaged in sports.

In 2013, State Agrarian University of the Northern Transurals joined the project, therefore, the number of students regularly involved in sports increased from 640 to 2600 of 3000 students.

The fourth innovation – “Quality control of management of children and youth sport”.

The of quality control is based on:

  • monitoring of state (index) of health and physical fitness of pupils of sport schools;
  • ranking of athletes, trainers and sport schools;
  • identification of talented children in sports;
  • competency level of trainer-instructors of sport schools;
  • content of vocational and training process at Youth Sports Schools and Youth Sports Schools of the Olympic Reserve.

Through monitoring we identified and tested the components of quality improvement of the planning system of the learning and training process:

  • implementation of new educational programs (general and preprofessional) and sports training programs;
  • improvement of vocational and training process using advanced educational technologies;
  •  structuring of the annual training cycle (micro-, meso-, macrostructure);
  • elaboration and realization of modular programs to familiarize children with the diversity of physical education and sports activities and to attribute them (of preschool and elementary school age) to sport leagues.

 “Communicative marketing and promotion of the sphere of physical education and sport in media” is one more innovation intended to change people’s attitude to physical education and sport, forming the values of healthy lifestyle, orienting the citizens at improvement of quality of life through active physical self-improvement.

The basis of any effective promotion in media consists in synergism of all communication tools of the marketing policy.

Today it is communication marketing that helps promote mass, school, youth sport and healthy lifestyle in media under the principle of integral information material, distributed to all mass media.

Conclusion. In the course of the study, we developed and implemented the concept of the systemic innovation strategy in the sphere of physical education and sport, formed a municipal bank of innovative solutions being tested and implemented on experimental sites of the city.

The implementation of the strategy of systemic innovations contributed to:

  • Optimization of the use of physical education and sports facilities in urban neighbourhoods, providing more physical education and sports activities aimed at enhancement of school, mass and youth sports;
  • Increase of the effectiveness of domiciliary health and fitness activities;
  • Testing the integration model for compulsory (general), further education and vocational training, which provided greater opportunities for the development of youth sport, health and fitness activities, school and university sports, implementation of project activities and increasing the number of students regularly engaged in these activities;
  • Optimizing the management system for youth sport;
  • Enhancing media support and promoting the values of healthy lifestyle, mass, school and children and youth sport in media.


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The article presents a general description of the system innovations in the management of physical education and sport at the municipal level. The updated resources are the following: the ones of efficient use of municipal physical educaiton and sports facilities; the resources for development of mass and school sport in the context of integration of compulsory (general), additional education and vocational training; improvement of youth sport.

The implementation of the strategy of systemic innovations contributed to:

­ Optimization of the use of physical education and sports facilities in urban neighbourhoods, providing more active physical education and sports activities aimed at enhancement of school, mass and youth sports;

­ Increase of the effectiveness of domiciliary health and fitness activities for people;

­ Testing the integration model for compulsory (general), further education and vocational training, which provided greater opportunities for the development of youth sport, health and fitness activities, school and university sports, implementation of project activities and increasing the number of students regularly engaged in these activities;

­ Optimizing the management system for youth sport;

­ Enhancing media support and promoting the values of healthy lifestyle, mass, school and youth sport in media.