Partial sport program implementation in pre-school educational institution


Postgraduate J.M. Chernichkina1
Dr.Hab., professor V.D. Chepik2
1Gzhel State University, Gzhel
2 Russian State Social University, Moscow

Objective of the research was to study the role of partial sport program in ensuring the harmonious physical development, health promotion and formation of the basic knowledge about sports in senior preschoolers; to create conditions for children to acquire their own experience when doing sports. The partial program was tested in the learning practice of senior preschoolers (aged 5-6 years) in the municipal pre-school educational institutions of Ramensky district Kindergarten # 29 (study group) and Kindergarten # 14 (reference group) in Voskresensk, Moscow region.
Physical fitness monitoring and rating system included tests of physical qualities such as: agility, strength, speed, speed-strength, flexibility and balance. Individual indices of the testing of physical qualities were summarized, and then average arithmetic values were determined for each of the tests of the reference and study groups.
The implementation of the partial sport program was proved successful with regard to creation of the conditions for preschoolers to acquire their own experience of favourable health protecting actions by means of physical culture and sport; for improving their physical fitness, acquiring basic knowledge about sports activity and making preschool children interested in various sports.

Keywords: partial sport program; educational environment; preschoolers' basic knowledge about sports; social partners of preschool educational organizations.


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