National wrestling styles in training for Olympic and international championships
E.A. Akhmedova
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, Moscow
The article describes the national styles of wrestling of the peoples of Russia, applied in the wrestling training system at the national level and in national teams in Olympic wrestling styles in other countries.
Despite the significant differences in the rules and traditions, national styles of wrestling represent a duel of two opponents. The rules of wrestling competitions provide for regulations of competitions, decision making conditions, wrestlers' action restrictions to ensure staginess of the sport and protect health of the athletes.
Each nation has its own distinctive national styles of wrestling, formed over many centuries. Various techniques of traditional national styles of wrestling and training methods are used by modern wrestlers in varying degrees, who perform as part of national teams of their countries at major international championships, World Championships and Olympic Games.
Keywords: national wrestling styles, wrestler training, Greco-Roman wrestling, freestyle wrestling, judo.
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