Student health behavior: behavioral risks in context of social analysis


Associate professor, PhD A.I. Fedorov1
Professor, PhD A.I. Aleshin2
Dr.Hab. I.P. Sivokhin3
Associate professor, PhD N.B. Mamiev4
1South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk
2Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk
3Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, Kostanay town, Kazakhstan
4A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University, Kostanay town, Kazakhstan

Some results of the research carried out in the framework of the international research project 'Students' physical activity and health". The research problem state in theory and practice was analyzed. The researchers explained the importance of forming the students' self-protection behavior; examined the indicators that characterize the attitude of young students towards their health.
The main factor that has an adverse health effect is the negative attitude to it, and the determining health risk factors are related with behavior. Lifestyle is crucial for protecting and promoting human health.

Keywords: students' health, behavioral factors and health risks, students' health behavior.


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