Monitoring of special endurance during training and competitive activities of kickboxers from training groups


PhD E.V. Kladov1
PhD, Professor V.A. Bobrovskiy2
Associate Professor V.A. Krestiyaninov3
1Omsk State Transport University, Omsk
2Omsk State Institute of Service, Omsk
3Omsk Academy of MIA of Russia, Omsk

Objective of the research was to provide a theoretical basis, develop and experimentally test the methodology of monitoring of special endurance during training and competitive activities of kickboxers from training groups.
The long-term training management process involves correction of training measures, which is carried out using the methods of integrated control and pedagogical supervision. Results of the control measures determine the area of future work, planning of training process, changes in its course, means, methods, priorities, volume and intensity of training sessions, and so on.
In this regard, at the current stage of development of martial arts, and kickboxing in particular, there is a growing need to develop and substantiate the content of different types of fitness monitoring of differently skilled athletes.
Quite a wide range of criteria can be used for control in kickboxing. These are characteristic features of competitive activity (fighting intensity, offensive and defensive performance rates, fighting performance coefficient, etc...); level of development of physical qualities; nature, amount and quality of work done (its scope and intensity, etc.); psychophysiological indicators (speed and accuracy of response, etc.), state of key functional systems of the body. The content of programs of different types and forms of control will depend on athletes' skills, set objectives and actual conditions of practice.
The designed methodology for integrated control of special physical fitness of kickboxers from training groups can be used during landmark and current pedagogical supervision to rate the current status and to forecast performance of young athletes at forthcoming competitions.

Keywords: pedagogical supervision, competitive and training activities, special endurance, full-contact section of kickboxing.


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