Innovative projects of Voluntary Sport Society «Sport for All» in context of Olympic Movement development in Russia


Postgraduate N.A. Noskov
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, Moscow

Objective of the study was to make a comprehensive research of the Russian public organization "Sport for All".
The article covers the performance of the Voluntary Sports Society "Sport for All" in the course of transition to the phase III of the program.
Uniting amateur athletes, volunteers and fans in the idea of sport patriotism the Voluntary Sport Society "Sport for All" contributes to the increase in the number of Russian citizens regularly engaged in physical culture and sports activities to improve their quality of life and health.
Despite favourable conditions contributing to the development of the mass sports movement in Russia there are still unresolved problems associated with transferring skills of healthy lifestyle to Russian young people. Physical culture and sports activities are not on trend.

Keywords: «Sport for All", Olympic Movement, promotion, development.


  1. Olimpiyskaya ideya dlya Rossii (Olympic idea for Russia) / V.S. Rodichenko, A.T. Kontanistov –.Moscow: Sovetskiy sport, 2004. – 248 p.
  2. Online source: