Innovative design of sport educational facilities for current scientific problems solving


Associate professor, PhD S.N. Pozhidaev1
I.L. Pozhidaeva2
1Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don
2Rostov State University of Economics (RSUE), Rostov-on-Don

Objective of the research was to develop a method and a tool to improve the quality of modern sports science standards and to solve the current social and humanitarian problems of sport.
According to the authors, the current problem-solving strategy is the one to improve the quality of standards of sports activity (rather than to destroy them) and impart to them modern actual properties via theoretical and methodological innovations. The transformation tool - the method (methodology) of innovative design of sport educational facilities being developed by the authors meets the stipulated requirements.
The method of "Innovative design of sport educational facilities" under development is a quite effective tool for reforming and quality improvement of the standards of modern sports science, as well as for resolving the current social and humanitarian problems of sport.

Keywords: innovative design and innovative project, perceptions and models, sport educational facility.


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