General school sportization: conceptual framework and technological solutions


Professor, Dr.Hab. L.I. Lubysheva
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTsOLIFK), Moscow

The purpose of research and developments geared to create a new strategy for development of educational systems is the theoretical and technological substantiation of innovative reforms in physical education of the rising generation of Russia to achieve a significant increase in health promoting and sociocultural efficiency of the sphere of physical education and sport for children, teenagers and young people in the shortest period of time - within 6-7 years.
The author's innovative technology of modernization of modern physical education by introducing sportizated forms of classes not only improves a lot the dynamics of physical fitness indicators of those engaged in training groups, but also radically changes the attitude of children to physical activity.
Owing to integration of sports culture and education all students can get useful experience as the basis for organization of a healthy life.

Keywords: sports culture, sportization, general school, innovative technology.


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