Creating federal innovative platform for dissemination of model and ideology of advanced development of university adaptive chess education



Ph.D., Associate Professor I.V. Mikhaylova
Dr.Hab., Professor A.S. Makhov
Russian State Social University, Moscow

Keywords: adaptive chess education, federal innovative platform, students, inclusive environment, information and communication technologies, distance forms, rehabilitation, integration, software package, electronic database.

Introduction. According to the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat, FSSS), 59.24 percent of students in educational institutions (schools, lyceums, colleges, universities, etc.) suffer from health problems. In Russian State Social University the individuals with health impairments constitute a large group (around 10 percent of the student population). Formerly, the students with health impairments had been studying the subject “Physical Education” at the Department of Physical Education and Sports only in theory, i.e. making theoretical reports. However, the introduction of the new Federal State Educational Standard of the third generation (FSES 3+) requires the appropriate standard for the learning, informational and communicative competences in the field of physical culture.

The purpose of the study was to establish and approve the theoretical and practical model of adaptive chess education as a innovative mechanism for updating the inclusive education system at the premises of Russian State Social University.

Materials and methods. The teaching staff at the Department of Physical Education and Recreational Technologies conducted a content analysis of the following regulatory documents introduced by the governmental and ministerial organizations of the Russian Federation: the Concept of the Federal Target Program of Education Development for 2016-2020; the Concept of the Federal Target Program “Development of Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation for 2016-2020”; the programs of chess sport development in the Russian Federation for 2011-2018; the Federal Target Program “Development of Supplementary Education for Children in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020”. The adaptive chess education model was implemented in view of the basic concepts and provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (adopted by the United Nations General Assembly by its resolution 61/106 of 13 December 2006); the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (adopted by the United Nations General Assembly by its resolution 48/96 of 20 December 1993); the Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by national referendum on December 12, 1993); the Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sport in the Russian Federation” (as amended by the Federal Law of November 29, 2010, № 321-FZ); the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities in the Russian Federation” (as amended in July 1, 2011). The study was based on the principles, mechanisms and specifics of the educational process and its influence on the student’s personality development in terms of adaptive chess education and physical activities; the project-targeted approach was applied in the study, which is the basic approach in the governmental Concept of the Federal Target Program of Education Development for 2016-2020. The data and document analysis resulted in the formulation of the concept of implementing the adaptive chess education as a primary innovative mechanism for updating the inclusive education system in Russian State Social University. The required necessary conditions are available, which are the following:

1. The Department of Physical Education and Recreational Technologies is well-resourced with the highly competent teaching personnel, specifically in chess sport: associate professor, international chess grandmaster I.V. Mikhaylova; associate professor, Class A chess player A.I. Alifirov. Being certified specialists in the field of physical therapy, they can perform adaptive chess training along with the duties of health professionals.

2. The research potential was supported by the scientific research in psychology and pedagogics aimed at providing assistance for people with mobility impairments; the studies were conducted within the Department of Psychology, Department of Social Medicine, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Technologies by professors E.A. Petrova, A.S. Makhov, V.D. Chepik, S.V. Shmeleva [4, 5].

3. Presently, the department staff is conducting a doctoral thesis research in pedagogics (13.00.04) on the subject: “Chess Sport in Complex Rehabilitation of People with Health Impairments”. A number of PhD and postgraduate students are undertaking systematic and complex studies of the heuristic educational potential of adaptive chess education for intellectual development of people with visual impairments in the Secondary School #1232, Moscow. Furthermore, a scientific study on the chess training program for people with musculoskeletal disorders is being carried out. A large group of athletes was surveyed; the results will be included in the thesis research. The topics of the degree theses are closely related to the issue of adaptive chess education. Thus, the above mentioned reveals the systematic and consistent process of disseminating the model and ideology of advanced development of university adaptive chess education in the Russian Federation with students, postgraduates, applicants and teaching staff involved in it.  

4. Study programs have been designed for the disciplines “Chess. Theory and Practice”, “Practical Basics of Chess”, “Theoretical Basics of Chess” for students of all departments of Russian State Social University and College of RSSU (49.03.01 “Physical Education”, bachelor).

In addition, the teaching staff and students of RSSU contributed to the introduction of didactic materials on adaptive chess, namely:

- “Anatoly Karpov's Chess Tutorial”. The course is developed by multiple-time national chess champion A.E. Karpov, and the RSSU research group in 2014. The tutorial consists of the software package: client-server model, student and teacher user interfaces. The software serves to make study sessions within the local network of educational institutions, supervised by a teacher (administrator). Online and distance sessions can be arranged too. The teacher interface is the major interactive application with educational multimedia database and various options for managing sessions and interacting with students. As for the student’s user interface, it is a simpler version of the teacher’s interface. The software package contains video lessons to enhance students’ subject-specific experiences gained during the academic course. 

- electronic database “Thinking in Schemes” is an electronic chess strategy course book, which includes the examples of standard strategies; more than five hundred tactics for consideration, taken from the repertoire of the world chess champions. In 2016, the department is going to take part in the grant competition of Russian State Social University for the purposes of designing an e-learning course on the discipline “Physical Education”.

- the application package «Chess Course Credit» has been developed by A.S. Ostorozhny, third-year student of the Faculty of Information Technology and Technosphere Safety. Multimedia educational resource (in Visual Basic) is accessed through the LAN for final chess examination with the use of Microsoft PowerPoint. The test consists of the visualized chess board, vocabulary quizzes, and is geared to rate students’ basic chess skills.

Adaptive chess monographs and study guides, including those in English, were offered to students as basic and supplementary books [6].

Results and discussion. As part of the pilot project, in the period from 2012 to 2015 students of all faculties in Russian State Social University and Social College of RSSU have been studying the basics of adaptive chess education based on information and communication technologies, didactic material for adaptive chess education. The students from the disability group 2 and 3, as well as those disabled since childhood participated in the study. The students attributed by the medical and clinical commissions of domiciliary outpatient departments to special medical groups for physical training were among the subjects too. 245 people completed the course in 2012/2013; 405 people in 2013/2014; 368 people in 2014/2015. Weekly distance education was provided for people with musculoskeletal disorders, pregnant students and students doing internships abroad, who were organized into a separate group. The method of programmed learning, proposed by B.F. Skinner, and the theory of systematic and progressive formation of mental operations and concepts by N.F. Talyzina and P.Ya. Galperin were applied as the theoretical and methodological basics for arranging the structure of adaptive chess education. 52 students with health impairments were awarded chess titles. It should be noted, that they won a number of local chess tournaments with participation of students without health impairments who were taking the same training course in the Faculty of Information Technology and Technosphere Safety of RSSU. It is good for graduates to acquire chess skills and obtain chess titles since later they can work as teachers and chess instructors in schools and social service centers providing supplementary education in the Russian Federation. Chess skills and titles increase competitiveness of the future specialists. In terms of this policy, the Faculty of Physical Culture and Recreational Technologies of RSSU (A.S. Makhov: HoD, Dr. Hab., Associate Professor, member of the Russian Paralympic Committee, Advisor to the President of the Russian Committee of Deaf Sports) is working at the federal innovative platform for dissemination of the model and ideology of advanced development of university adaptive chess education in the Russian Federation; legislating the federal status of the platform is part of the policy. The objectives of the federal innovative platform are appointed in the “Federal Concept of Supplementary Education” which states that supplementary education should be provided for 75 percent of school-age students to prepare them for university enrollment. In the modern context, the unique program is established to support and facilitate startups in the sphere of adaptive chess education on a daily basis thanks to the common effort of the university staff of the Department of Psychology, Department of Social Medicine, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Technologies, as well as the students of RSSU. This year, the university students and teaching staff have participated in the following international research and practical conferences presenting reports on the issues of adaptive chess education: International Conference “Deafblindness: Experience, Objectives, Prospects”; International Scientific-Practical Online Conference “Modern Trends in Science and Education”; International Scientific-Practical Online Conference “Development of Science and Education in the Modern World”; International Scientific-Practical Online Conference “Relevant Issues of Modern Science and Education Development”; International Scientific-Practical Online Conference “Science, Education, Society: Current Issues and Prospects of Development”; 2nd International Research-Practical Conference “Physical therapy of Youth: Relevant Issues and Prospects”; Round Table “Inclusive Sports: Adaptive Physical Education and Mass Sport for Children and Teenagers with and without disabilities”. Scientific publications of the students and teaching staff of the Department of Physical Culture and Recreational Technologies are given in the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU [1-3].

Figure 1

Conclusion. Implementation of theoretical and practical model of adaptive chess education along with the actualization of the intellectual and productive potential of students with health impairments made it possible to provide the high quality education according to the modern Federal State Educational Standard, fill the communication needs, enlarge the communication opportunities, build self-confidence and raise the social status of students. Russian State Social University becomes the leading innovative educational institution on a world scale effectively combining inclusive education and chess sport by means of building positive environment and favorable opportunities for equal social interaction, self-actualization of students with health impairments through achievement of excellence and success.

To our recognition, it is necessarily to create the federal innovative platform for dissemination of the model and ideology of advanced development of university adaptive chess education in all municipal structures in the Russian Federation as the state social program for people with health impairments and mobility limitations.


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