Structure and content of educational concept of physical education of students in context of healthy lifestyle values



Dr.Hab, Professor, Honorary Figure of Russian Higher Education A.E. Bolotin1
D.B. Selyukin2
1St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg
2National Mineral Resource University "Mining University", St. Petersburg

Keywords: educational concept, system of physical education of students, professional activity, values of healthy lifestyle.

Introduction. The development of society is inseparably linked with the need to strengthen people's health. The level of health is the measure of success of society and depends on many factors, most important of which is the prevalence of healthy way of life. This is especially important for students [3].

The system of physical education of students should be focused on the healthy lifestyle values. The development of the system of physical education of students on the basis of the values of healthy lifestyle is directly related to the process of study and future professional activities. Each student should determine his life strategy in order to prepare for future professional activity and remain healthy for many years. The criteria which characterize the level of health of population, especially young people, are among the fundamental estimators in Russia. From these criteria we can judge the quality of people's life and future development of the country [1, 3, 4].

The values of healthy lifestyle should be applied to the system of physical education of students, in other words, the existing system should be supplemented with the components related to the values of healthy lifestyle. The value orientation of the system of physical education of students on the healthy lifestyle gives the possibility to consciously affect the needs of students. And value orientations of students on healthy way of life define their volitional motivation to regular exercise.

There are still some understudied issues related to:

– scientific justification of the system of healthy lifestyle values and the ways of their use to improve the quality of physical education of students;

– clearly defined structure and content of the educational concept of physical education of students based on the healthy lifestyle values.

The purpose of the study was to develop the structure and content of the educational concept of physical education of students in context of the healthy lifestyle values.

Materials and methods. More than 300 students of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University and National Mineral Resource University "Mining University" were surveyed.

The results and discussion. The advantage of the system of physical education of students is that it is focused on the active use of the healthy lifestyle values. The fulfillment of the main tasks of such a system is a prerequisite and a necessary condition of justification of the structure and content of the educational concept of physical education of students with due regard to the values of healthy lifestyle.

The designing of the structure and content of the educational concept of physical education of students based on the healthy lifestyle values is an important step towards further development of mass sports movement in Russia [2].

It should facilitate the implementation of modern approaches to the use of physical exercises for the improvement of the national health. This is an important prerequisite for the use of the rich potential of the national system of physical education in the improvement of students' health and their successful preparation for future professional activity. The fulfillment of these tasks will contribute to the development of the whole system of physical education.

And the use of the values of healthy lifestyle can have a greater influence on physical development of students.

The term "value orientations on healthy lifestyle" in pedagogics of physical education describes students' inner sources of motivation to physical development. Those are necessary condition for health improvement and personal activity of students during physical education classes. The values of healthy lifestyle should be a priority for students. What affects their formation is the principle that only a student himself can organize his healthy lifestyle via reasonable choice and use of the physical self-improvement motivation sources.

These provisions can be implemented only in the presence of students' conscious orientation on the values of healthy lifestyle. Analysis and correction of students' behavior during sports activities serves the methodological basis for the formation of the value-oriented consciousness. The activity aimed at preservation and strengthening of their own health should be the basis of value orientations of students. Practice shows that good health has a positive effect on the success in the future professional activity of university graduates. These ideas are in the core of the concept of physical education of students based on the healthy lifestyle values and its structure and content are shown in diagram 1.

Diagram 1. Educational concept of physical education of students based on healthy lifestyle values

Students' results confirm the effectiveness of this approach. The synthesis of information related to the structure and content of the educational concept of physical education of students with regard to the healthy lifestyle values opens up new opportunities for the teachers in improving the system of physical education of students.

The educational potential of these values includes the knowledge and skills related to healthy lifestyle and proper behavior and the achievement of the high level of development of physical and psychological qualities. The need for health improvement is stipulated by the graduates' everyday life and professional activity. Thus the focus should be shifted from the examination of health status to active health preservation.

And it is important to form healthy lifestyle skills in this process. So, the modern educational concept of physical education of students based on the healthy lifestyle values should meet social demands related with preparation for military service and daily work routine.

The main approaches to the implementation of the concept are:

– the formation of students' knowledge about healthy lifestyle;

– the formation of motivation and need for regular physical exercises and sports occupations.

With this in view, the purpose of the study was to provide theoretical and experimental substantiation of the content and structure of the educational concept of physical education of students based on the healthy lifestyle values.

The results of the survey became the source information for the study of the healthy lifestyle values. The students are aware of the need to use the educational concept of physical education based on the healthy lifestyle values for health improvement and physical development as well as for preparation for work and military service. The study showed that health is the main value for the students (87.5%), followed by physical preparedness for professional activities (84.8%), functional status (83.1%), beautiful body (80.7%) and physical activity (77.1 %). The values of physical development and physical culture are less significant (47.3% and 43.1% respectively).

Conclusion. The values associated with students' health strengthening are focused on building an individual system of health improvement. They provide physical development of students; augment the knowledge on the healthy lifestyle characteristics; show how important is to preserve health during professional activity and military service and contribute to the planning of physical self-improvement.

The developed educational concept of physical education of students based on the healthy lifestyle values reflects modern views regarding the development of physical culture in the country. The concept includes in its content the conceptual and motivational nature, revealing the need in the concept based on an analysis of research in the field of physical education of students. It reflects the indicators that show the relevance, novelty, effectiveness and efficiency of the basic components of physical education of students; scientific sources of the concept. There was shown the substantial nature, which divulges the scientific principles, psycho-educational technologies and organizational structures of the process of physical education of students based on the healthy lifestyle values. The concept is innovative, involves new techniques of improvement of the quality of the physical education process of students. It should reflect the conditions of implementation in which organizational and psycho-educational conditions are implemented that ensure the high quality of functioning of the system of physical education of students; the component structuring of the system of physical education of students based on the healthy lifestyle values.


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