Identification of weaknesses in athlete training system using the System (case study of bullet and trap shooting)



Candidate A.Yu. Konstantinov1
Ph.D. E.S. Palekhova2
1All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Moscow
2Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, Malakhovka

Keywords: training system, technical, physical, tactical and psychological types of training.

Introduction. In modern shooting consistently high results equal to absolute ones, along with the high result in the final series need to be shown to win official international competitions. This is due to the technological advance that currently enabled 12-15 world-class athletes to show almost identical results in every kind of the shooting program. For example, nowadays shooting 397 points out of 400 possible, for women in air rifle shooting, does no longer ensure getting to the finals of the European and the World Championships [***]. Loosing grounds by Russian shooters on the world arena requires new theoretical and methodological approaches based on research in the field of physiology, biochemistry, methodology of physical education, psychology, in order to improve and keep the high level of our results in bullet and skeet shooting. On this basis, there seem to be an obvious need for the complex method of providing the training process with instrumentation stands with the possibility of distance learning.

Trainer should be able to see the distinctive features of an athlete and use the training technique, that would fulfill his potential as much as possible. Thus, the method of identification of weaknesses in the system of training of athletes using technical means of control such as «SYSTEM-12» can be used to create individual methods of training of athletes.

In the bullet shooting training the use of specialized technical equipment is practically limited to using the SCATT simulator, at the same time, there is no such thing in skeet shooting. For the first time the researchers attempt to provide a comprehensive training of elite shooters while monitoring their fitness dynamics using specialized computer tools and equipment.

The purpose of the study was to create an individual training method, that would give consistently good results in elite shooters.

The research methods included: analysis of theoretical and methodical literature, visual pedagogical observation, questioning, testing using special technical means, conducting control shooting, mathematical methods of statistics.

Organization of the research.

The studies were conducted in four stages at the premises of the shooting complex "Lis'ya nora" in the Dmitrov district of the Moscow region, and of the hunting sector of the sport complex "Kuz'minki" in Moscow, involving the scientific and technical potential of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sport. 5 masters of sports were involved in the study.

The structure of the technology consists of 12 blocks – 4 types of training: technical training, physical training, tactical training, psychological training, each having 3 sections: theoretical, practical and analytical (SYSTEM 12).

The work with the technology is carried out as follows by type of training:

  • "Technical training" (TchT) – is meant to settle the issues of weapon preparation and equipping of the shooter, as well as adapting the test equipment with regard to the athlete's individual characteristics;
  • "Physical training" (PhT) – is meant to settle the issues of mastering of a set of special exercises by the shooter with a focus on training of coordination abilities and different types of endurance;
  • "Tactical training" (TcT) – is meant to settle the issues of in-depth study of the rules of competition and mastering of various situations of competitive activity, tactical schemes of shooting and of the whole exercise are also being developed with regard to the level of technical skills and physical fitness;
  • "Psychological training" (PT) – is studied on the basis of the previous three sections while mastering them, in the form of act psychology, functions as an indicator of readiness of the whole system, enables an athlete to control the situation, control the course of events, makes it possible to plan for the periods of growth and stagnation.

The entire sports-shooting activity is divided into training sections and each section has its means of control. Thus, it became possible to obtain data in numbers at all stages of training of athletes, which enables the trainer to react immediately to a slightest change, to determine the cause of reduced fitness level, which he can use when recommending on adjustments to the training process (Table 1).

Table 1. Components of integrated training in shooting sports

Name of section

Theoretical part

(lecture materials)

Practical part

(ways of status adjustment)

Analytical part

(control instruments)

Equipment used

Section 1. Technical training

Ballistics of the shot; weapons and ammunition; equipment and facilities;  targets and shooting range facilities, prospects for development of technical training.

Selection and shooting of arms and ammunition; customization, fitting and balancing considering individual characteristics of ready position; selection of gear and equipment

"Adjustable balance" device (vibration sensors), video cameras, stabilometric platform, motion video analyzer, combined data control software complex


Special technical hardware and software "Database"

Section 2.

Physical training

Rapid action, precise action. Flexibility concept. Nutrition, cell metabolism. Pharmacology. Fast and slow channels. Forms of vision: central, peripheral, tunnel, telescopic.

Flexibility exercises, power training, massage, nutrition, special physical exercises with ball, joint exercises. Eye training. Shooting.

Body composition analyzer (scales), thermal imager, carpal expander, mobile cardiograph, AMSAT-COVERT etc.


Vibroexercisers, weight machines, balls,

Section 3. Tactical training

Tactics concept. Safety, competition rules. Planning, long-term thinking. Concept of "value of action". Energy-saving technology. Aiming procedure. Behavior tactics.

Development of training plans (daily, monthly, yearly, 4-years, long-term). Development of tactical schemes. Making up daily routine, keeping a diary. Special exercises. Ideomotor training.

Acoustic stopwatch, «SCATT», «SnapShot Sport» etc.



“Acoustic stopwatch” -

skeet shooting, SCATT - bullet shooting

Section 4. Psychological training

Self-control, sports intuition (foresight) concepts. The nature of anxiety. "Indicative" and "emotional" anxiety concepts.

Anxiety emergency release point. Energy gain regulation "vessel". Cold and hot shower. Breathing. Intuition development exercises. Positive thinking. Autogenic training. Mental training. Psychotherapy. Acting skills.

Psycho-emotional status control device


Recording equipment of psychophysiological indicators

Results of the study (case study of bullet shooting, exercise VP-4 - air rifle shooting, 40 scoring shots).

The proposed method applied gave positive results in the case of the athlete P. - which primarily relates to the achievement of stability of the results.

Fig.1. Dynamics of competition results in the exercise VP-4 (athlete E.)

In addition, a test was conducted using the simulator SCATT and a trajectory length just a second before the shot was taken based on it (Fig. 2).

Fig.2. Dynamics of average values in the trajectory length indicators during the educational pilot experiment

As seen from analysis of the data conducted using the Student's t-test for paired samples, in the analyzed period the athlete seemed to have a tendency towards significant differences since January (t = 2,32; p> 0,05) and then the differences became significantly reliable (р < 0,05).

Summarizing the data of the pilot experiments, it should be admitted that the proposed integrated technology by the "System 12" and the developed technical means have a positive influence on the fitness level of professional bullet and skeet shooters. Thus, further study on a wider scale is recommended.

Conclusion. Using the given technique one can fully control the training and competitive processes. Now one can get personal readings in a relatively shorter time. The result is stabilized. The interdependence of types of training can be traced using the available readings on type of training. The data, that require additional research of visual capacity (the effect of tunnel and telescopic vision) and of using intuition (the display of the sense of intuition), were obtained.


  1. Stendovaya strel'ba. Sistema podgotovki [Elektronny resurs]: uchebno-prakticheskoe posobie dlya trenera (Trap shooting. Training system [electronic resource]: coach's manual) / A.Yu. Konstantinov. – Moscow: Infra-M; university textbook;, 2014. – 95 P. – ISBN 978-5-16-102359-4.
  2. Dalla, D.M. 2011 IWK Munich The beginning of the target season ISSF NEWS / D.M. Dalla // International shooting sport. – 2011. – N 2. – Р. 40–42.

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