Estimation of formation of organizational and managerial competence of Bachelors of Physical Education



Postgraduate student I.T. Sharygina
Associate professor, Ph.D. T.V. Fendel'
Ph.D. D.A. Zubkov
Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky

Keywords: higher physical culture education, professional competences of Bachelor of Physical Education, organizational and managerial competence, competence assessment.

Introduction. According to the requirements of the federal state educational standards and the major education program Bachelor of Physical Education of today should not only have the necessary level of professional knowledge, but also quite an extensive range of formed general cultural and professional competences. First of all, he should be able to initiate communication and manage people (the ones who train and their parents), to make grounded and balanced pedagogical decisions (including the choice of tools and methods of the training process), to carry out suitable educational impact (to use the system of formative and hindering educational techniques), to anticipate and identify the development trends of physical culture (to know and use innovative technologies in the area of training) [1].

Hence, the issue of forming the organizational and managerial competence as one of the key competences while training Bachelors of Physical Education comes to the forefront. It is on the purposeful formation of the organizational and managerial competence (OMC) while getting one’s professional physical culture education that employers involved with physical culture and sports (principals of secondary schools, youth sports schools, sports clubs, etc.) insist. Most of the problems, they say, arise due to the inability to properly organize and manage the training process.  

The purpose of the research was to substantiate theoretically and develop a model of formation of organizational and managerial competence of Bachelors of Physical Education.  

Research methods and organization. The educational experiment was carried out within the study of humanities, socioeconomic and professional cycles, stated in the competence formation passport developed and approved by the education board of Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture. The experimental part lasted three and a half years (from September 2011 to January 2015) by now. A total of 60 students were involved in the experiment at the premises of Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture in 2011 (to maintain the experimental integrity this amount did not include students involved in the individual study). 

Results and discussion. At the trial experiment stage a survey of employers found that organizational and managerial competence has three interrelated manifestations: the quality of professional activity, the success of social adaptation and the ability to innovate. These components formed the basis of the informative unit of the developed model of formation of the organizational and managerial competence. In addition to this unit three more relatively independent parts were also included into the model: a motivational and target-oriented one aimed at providing conditions for the formation of organizational and managerial competence; an operational unit, the purpose of which is to substantiate the choice of forms of organization and methods of formation of the components of organizational and managerial competence, and a criteria-assessment unit. Since control and assessment [3] are essential elements of any educational process at any level (studying a current topic, a unit, a whole training course or an entire curriculum), the objective of the criteria-assessment unit was to determine the compliance of the training result with the social demand (assessment of the level of formation of the organizational and managerial competence).  

In order to give substance to the criteria-assessment unit of the model it was necessary to identify and develop qualimetric tools (psycho-pedagogical and didactic objects were assessed and measures using pedagogical qualimetry) already at the trial experiment stage. The tools were to meet a number of specific requirements:

  • feasibility (means of control should be sufficiently simple and universal);
  • reliability (possibility to lead to comparable results during the next supervisory procedure);
  • expediency (necessity to use the selected technique at a particular stage of control);
  • time minimization (assessment results should be accessible and clear immediately after the control procedure);
  • maximum credibility (all students should be in equal conditions that exclude the good/bad luck factor);
  • availability of feedback elements (to ensure student self-control) [2].

            A signature feature of the implemented model of formation of the organizational and managerial competence of Bachelors of Physical Education is availability of assessment procedures for each of the three remaining units. Thus, employers’ reviews of the performance of trainee students were subjected to qualimetric analysis when assessing the formation of the motivational and target-oriented unit (the structure of the reviews included such parameters as assessment of the level of professional communicative ability of a student, evaluation of the quality of organization and staging of a physical culture related public event).

            Complex learning tasks comprised the basis of the informative unit of the model. Prior to that they were put into three groups (depending on their predominant functional role): 

  • learning tasks in which specific stages of solving an organizational and managerial/pedagogical problem are practiced to perfection;
  • learning tasks forming modes of activity in a specific organizational and managerial/pedagogical situation;
  • learning tasks with activities that form problem-solving experience (the problem should be formulated, goals and the sequence of upcoming actions should be determined on its basis, and these actions should be assessed with regard to achieving the set goal).

            Pedagogical tests and a point rating system of assessing the quality of students’ qualification were the main means of control in this component.  

            Theory of didactic systems and upgraded technology of criterion-based learning in higher school, developed and implemented in the educational process of Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture by Dr.Sci.Tech, Professor E.N. Gerasimov [2], was methodological and conceptual basis of application of these means of control.  

            Thus, during test control, the coefficient of acquisition of the information taught (kα) was used as an indicator of acquiring the knowledge. According to V.P. Bespalko, it was either equal to or exceeded the threshold value of 0.7.

            The level of the competence formation was indicated by the achieved values of the effectiveness factor (keff) calculated on the basis of the point rating system as the ratio of the number of actual points earned to the maximum possible number of points (Table 1).   

Table 1. Estimation of the level of formation of organizational and managerial competence of Bachelors of Physical Education  

Effectiveness factor values 

Level of competence formation

0.81 ≤ keff≤1.0

high/ advanced / creative

0.71 ≤ keff≤0.8

medium / reflexive

0.55 ≤ keff≤0.7

minimal / threshold / productive

 Keff less than  0.55

below threshold

The assessment was carried out within all the subjects of humanities, socioeconomic and professional cycles, stated in the competence formation passport. The final grade of formation of the organizational and managerial competence was calculated based on the same coefficient, but as the ratio of the total points earned in all the subjects aimed at its formation to the sum of the maximum points in these subjects.  

In the operational unit the percentage of participation and the students’ ratings in competitions and research projects (the business ideas competition, the project “You are an entrepreneur”) and their quality were assessed and analyzed.

The effectiveness of the suggested model of formation of the organizational and managerial competence of Bachelors of Physical Education for today can be estimated by the following results:

  • performance of the students of the experimental groups is 19% higher than that of the students of the control groups (while a significant excess is observed in terms of quality performance indicators (Δ = 13%);
  • student attendance has significantly increased in the experimental groups (+20%); student attendance in the control groups has increased too, but the increase was less pronounced (+6.6%.);
  • students of the experimental groups have statistically significantly higher grades for their internship (average grade in the EG is 4.75; in the CG – 4.1);  
  • students of the experimental groups more actively participate in the research work of the institute, make presentations at research and training conferences (Δ = 16.7%), get awards more often;
  • students of the experimental groups have a significantly higher level of formation of the organizational and managerial competence (average value of the effectiveness factor (keff) in the EG - 0.78; in the CG – 0.69). 

            Conclusions. The model of formation of the organizational and managerial competence is based on four relatively independent units: motivational and target-oriented, informative, operational and criteria-assessment ones. When assessing the formation of the motivational and target-oriented unit, employers’ reviews of the performance of trainee students should be subjected to a qualimetric analysis (the structure of the reviews should include such parameters as assessment of the level of professional communicative ability of a student, evaluation of the quality of organization and staging of a physical culture public event). Pedagogical tests and a point rating system of assessing the quality of students’ qualification should be the main means of control in the informative unit (which is based on complex learning tasks).

In the operational unit the percentage of participation and the students’ ratings in competitions and research should be assessed and analyzed.


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  2. Gerasimov, E.N. Teoriya didakticheskikh sistem i modernizirovannaya tekhnologiya kriterial'no-orientirovannogo obucheniya v vuze (Theory of didactic systems and upgraded technology of criterion-based learning in higher school / E.N. Gerasimov. – Tchaikovsky: Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, 2013. – 225 P.
  3. Novikov, A.M. Postindustrial’noe obrazovanie (Post-industrial education). – Moscow: Egves, 2008. – 136 P.

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