Medicobiological monitoring in kettlebell lifting at the stage of improvement of sports skills



Professor, Dr.Biol. L.G. Kharitonova
Associate professor, Ph.D. I.A. Kuznetsova
Research assistant, Ph.D. O.S. Antipova
Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sport, Omsk

Keywords: kettlebell lifting, medicobiological monitoring, physical working capacity, strength, speed-strength endurance, highly skilled athletes.

Introduction. Training of elite kettlebell lifters is closely related with the management of training and competitive activities [2, 4]. Medicobiological monitoring is known to be one of the main conditions for effective management of the training process in many sports [3, 6]. Exercises performed by an athlete on the kettlebell lifting competitions last up to 10 minutes. The work done in this period of time is characterized by high intensity [1-3]. Highly skilled athletes in one classic exercise lift an overall amount of weight of more than 7 tons. To perform this amount of work one needs well-developed functional capacities of the body. The kettlebell sport is based on speed-strength endurance, which is improved in the process of achieving high results [1, 4, 5].

At present, the issue of scientific search of criteria of medicobiological monitoring of the training process of elite athletes, specializing in kettlebell lifting, is studied insufficiently.

The purpose of the research was a theoretical and experimental study of the methods of biomedical monitoring of the training process of kettlebell lifters at the stage of improvement of sports skills.

The research objectives:

1. To examine the level of physical development, cardiorespiratory function, neuromuscular condition, physical performance of highly skilled kettlebell lifters and their interrelation with competitive activities.

2. To develop scales of differentiated assessment of the level of physical development and functional vigour of highly skilled kettlebell lifters.

Methods and organization of the research. The research was conducted in extreme conditions at the premises of the scientific research institute of SibGUFK and the department of medicobiological foundations of physical culture and sport. 45 highly skilled kettlebell lifters (Candidates for Master of Sports and Masters of Sport) 19-22 years of age were involved in the study.

To achieve the objectives the following research methods were applied: anthropometry by the common technology, physiological testing and analysis of result cards. There were studied vital lung capacity (VLC) using a dry spirometer, heart rate (HR) in a relatively resting state, strength of the back and forearm muscles using torso and carpal dynamometers. Timed expiratory capacity was tested too. The body mass index (BMI), or Quetelet index, Manouvrier's index, the index of neuromuscular system by the L.S. Dvorkin’s method (1999), birth-death ratio (BDR) and Skibinski index were calculated. The level of morpho-functional development of the athletes was determined using the "Express anthropometric and physical fitness measurement program" (state registration license № 2007810596; L.G. Kharitonova, S.V. Nopin, 2007).

The aerobic and anaerobic endurance were studied using a step test with graduated loading on a bicycle ergometer by the method of L.G. Kharitonova (state registration license № 2007611219, 2009). The first step (HR= 120-130 min-1) – moderate power zone, the second step (HR up to 170 min-1) – high power zone, the third step (with HR more that 180 min-1) – submaximal power zone. The duration of the first and second steps - 4 minutes, the third - 2 minutes (1st minute - warming-up, 2nd minute - maximum power development). Rest interval between the workloads - 3 minutes. Duration of work during the first and second stages - 4 minutes, the third - 2 minutes, rest interval between the workloads - 2 minutes. There were determined absolute and relative (per 1 kg of body weight) work power during the second (PWC170) and the third stages of the load (PWCsub.). Absolute and relative values of the maximal oxygen consumption (MOC) were calculated based on the PWC170 indices by the formula of V.L. Karpman.

Sports activity was assessed by the performance of kettlebell lifters in the Asian Championship in Russia and the III All-Russian rural winter sports games.

Results and discussion. During the study the level of morpho-functional development of strength abilities and physical performance in different power zones of highly skilled kettlebell lifters was determined, the structure of correlations between the performance indices and competitive activities was studied.

Mean group values of morphofunctional indices are presented in Table. 1. As shown by the study, highly skilled kettlebell lifters had an average level of physical development with a predominance of long-leg skeleton type. Respiratory function indices (VLC, BDR) in the majority of kettlebell lifters were below average, but some athletes had low and high levels of VLC. However, resistance to hypoxia in kettlebell lifters was high, although in some particular athletes it was at a low level.

Table 1. Morphofunctional indices of highly skilled kettlebell lifters


Х ± σ


Body weight, kg



Standing body length, cm



Leg length, cm



Arm length, cm



Wrist circumference, cm



Manouvrier’s index, cm



BMI, gr/cm



Chest circumference, cm



Chest excursion, cm



Vital lung capacity (VLC), ml



Birth-death ratio (BDR), ml/kg



Stange's test, sec



Ghencea test, sec



Skibinski index, cu


The basic motor qualities of kettlebell lifters were evaluated during the study (Table. 2). The results of the study of the torso and carpal dynamometry showed that the strength abilities of the majority of athletes were developed on the average level. At the same time some athletes in the sample group had above and below average level of the forearm muscles strength. As shown by the analysis of competitive activity, the strength of the forearm muscles is of a particular importance when performing a snatch. Consequently, the low level of this indicator becomes a limiting factor.

A study of the neuromuscular status (NMS) of highly skilled kettlebell lifters by the method of L.S. Dvorkin et al. (1999) revealed inhomogeneity of NMS in particular low, medium and high levels of performance indices were defined.

Table 2. Indices of strength readiness, physical capacity and aerobic capacity of highly skilled kettlebell lifters




Right hand strength (abs.), kg



Right hand strength (rel.), %



Left hand strength (abs.), kg



Left hand strength (rel.), %



Neuromuscular condition index, conventional units



PWC170 (abs.), kgm/min



PWC170 (rel.), kgm/min/kg



PWCsub.(abs.), kgm/min



PWCsub.(rel.), kgm/min /kg



MOC (abs.), ml/min



MOC (rel.), ml/min/kg


The study of physical working capacity in different power zones has revealed the average level of development of basic aerobic endurance (PWC170) and aerobic capacity (MOC) and the high level of development of speed-strength (anaerobic) endurance (PWCsub.) of 80% of kettlebell lifters at the stage of sports skills improvement.

The structure of correlations between indicators of physical performance, aerobic capacity and competitive activity of kettlebell lifters were also examined during our research. Absolute and relative values of PWC170 and MOC are interconnected with clean and jerk (г=0,88); right and left hand snatch (г=0,81, г=0,83), double-event total (г=0,88) and placement in the competition (г=0,89). At the same time there were not revealed any significant correlations between the values of speed-strength endurance and the indices of competitive activity.

As a result of the study we have prepared for publication a teaching manual.

Conclusions. Thus, the most informative indicators of physical development and functional fitness of highly skilled kettlebell lifters to be used in the phased biomedical monitoring of the training process have been detected in the course of the study. It is possible to create an individual profile of athletes to identify positive and negative factors influencing the effectiveness of their competitive activity with the help of the developed scales of differentiated assessment, and to use them for targeted pedagogical correction.


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