The Influence of Training Loadings on Psychophysiological Characteristics of Young Cross Country Skiers


I.G. Gibadullin, professor, Dr.Hab.
M.T. Kalashnikov Izhevsk state technical university, Izhevsk
R.E. Petrov
Yelabuga institute of Kazan federal university, Yelabuga

Key words: training loadings, psychophysiological characteristics, cross country skiers, psychodiagnostics.
In the modern sport due to significant growth of sports results and increase of the volumes of training loadings, the loading on the nervous system also increases. So, in V.I. Rozhdestvenskaya's opinion, the level of the functional status of nervous system is one of essential conditions determining human physical working capacity. Nervous processes are gaining their importance, since nervous system plays the leading role in body's adaptive reorganizations. Therefore, the study of reactions of central nervous system and locomotor system to different physical loadings is of great importance. Studying of the dynamics of psychophysiological characteristics using the integrated hand-held device for athletes' psychodiagnostics is one of the main ways out of the quoted problem.
The purpose of the study was to improve the methodology of training process for young cross country skiers.
The obtained data of psychophysiological characteristics stipulated for definition of the character of response of nervous system to different types of training loadings. According to the obtained indicators, it is possible to learn the way training loadings influence excitatory and inhibitory processes of central nervous system. Thus, psychophysiological characteristics are to be applied as criteria of control over the course of the training process and for definition of specialization in cross country skiing on the functional status of nervous system.


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