Health Promoting Technologies in Practice of Physical Education of Students


M.V. Katrenko, associate professor, Ph.D.
North Caucasus federal university, Stavropol
A.N. Prodius, postgraduate
S.V. Ivanova, postgraduate
Stavropol state agrarian university, Stavropol
N.A. Mikhaylova
Pyatigorsk medico-pharmaceutical institute – branch of VolgSMU, Pyatigorsk

Key words: health promotion, health promoting technologies, creativity in education, art-pedagogical methods, integration of physical culture and art.
The purpose of the present study was to prove the necessity of designing and using health promoting technologies in the practice of physical education of students.
In the course of university physical education one should pay special attention to the capacity of efficient use of art-educational methods and their integration into physical exercises for spiritual and physical recreation of students, development of their creative thinking, formation of personal physical culture. It will contribute to evoking the creative atmosphere at classes, making students more interested in sports activity and extending the health promoting university environment, increasing the students’ erudition in the system of modern health promoting technologies of physical education.
Students’ health is to be recognized as a strategic potential, a factor of national security, social stability and well-being.


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