Psychological Support of Professional Development of Future Life Safety and Physical Education Teachers


A.S. Tankenov
N.A. Kitaykina,
associate professor, Ph.D.
V.V. Vlasov, associate professor, Ph.D.
Surgut state pedagogical university, Surgut

Key words: efficient professional activity in the field of life safety and physical culture, learning and training classes of students.
The variety of classifications of trainings included developing, program and psycho-correctional and other trainings. All of them are considered as socio-psychological. The method of socio-psychological training of the learning and training group corresponds to the tasks of the study to the best advantage, it helps coping with the faults of single methods and unites them related to the goals of education. The task of the learning and training group is self-awareness, understanding personal psychological features and their manifestations in life and activity, consolidation of the skills of efficient activity and behavior, recognition of mental specifics of the people around, correction of negative qualities.
The purpose of the study was to design a psychological training for professional development of would-be teachers of life safety and physical culture.
The suggested educational profession training was proved to make a significant effect on the formation of professionally important qualities of would-be teachers of life safety and physical culture. The findings confirm efficiency of the suggested training in settling the main goal of psychological support of professional development of students in life safety and physical culture.


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