Interdependence of Motor Readiness and Physical Conditioning when Teaching Students to Swim


D.A. Raevsky, associate professor, Ph.D.
T.E. Siverkina, associate professor, Ph.D.
J.B. Egorova, senior lecturer
State university of management, Moscow

Key words: motor readiness, physical conditioning, motor predisposition, teaching swimming.
Teaching students to swim is a part of recreation that involves the complex goal to form the swimming skill along with further development of physical qualities.
Recreational swimming for adults, unlike the one for children, is slacking sport orientation.
The purpose of the study was to make swimming trainings for students more effective based on motor readiness and physical conditioning at physical education classes. The conducted educational experiment was intended to study the interdependence of physical conditioning and motor qualities overland and in water conditions.
Hence, there takes place a close interdependence of physical conditioning, motor qualities and formation of swimming skills. This relation is intensified when mastering swimming movements due to the specifics of water environment. Possessing the necessary level of motor fitness simplifies learning the technique of sports and original swimming techniques with further development of physical qualities in the water environment. In this case the phase of transferring motor skills and abilities from land to water, as it usually occurs during training can be avoided.


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