Programming Integrated Effects Related to Individualization of Sports Training of Tennis Players Aged 14-16


Nguen Tkhien Kuang, postgraduate
T.S. Ivanova, professor, Ph.D., Russian state university of physical culture, sport, youth and tourism, Moscow.

Key words: individualization, competitive and training activities, style of playing, programming of training.
The modern approaches to the process of enhancement of efficiency of athletes’ training prove the necessity of using the method of algorithmic implementation of goal sets based on the principles of programmed learning. The goal sets are being implemented via specific target missions, representing one of the main features of the programmed training and a special set system of exercises distributed in time with a singe goal set.
The purpose of the present study was to program the integrated effects for individualization of sports training of junior tennis players.
Any structural element of the learning and training process is organized in compliance with set goals. The goals are to concern construction of the content of training, but take into account player's professional skills.
The serve and serve return work were taken as an example of construction of the programmed training, which most often results in several shots without any psychological stress, not taking into account the individual characteristics of a tennis player. When choosing methods and techniques the tasks are getting more complicated from choosing an impact point to using a competitive element in training and the integrated game like method.
When programming the integrated effects on individualization of sports training of junior tennis players the goals of motivation formation are being settled via goal-setting, emotional state control, invigoration mechanism via visualizing and positive thinking, being maximally efficient when making a standard exercise set, psychological recovery along with fatigue, improved concentration, switching and sustained attention, predicting opponent’s actions, motor coordination, accuracy of muscle effort differentiation, depth of kinesthetic sensations.


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