Methodological Conditions of Design of Technology of Physical Education of Orphaned Children


L.A. Parfenova
associate professor, Ph.D.
Ulyanovsk state university, Ulyanovsk

Key words: physical education, intellectualization, intersubject relations, reflexive culture, cognitive qualities, nosology.
The transformative processes taking place in all structural areas of the Russian educational system make new requirements to the educational image of the modern student, who by the new federal state educational standards is to show personal, subject and meta-subject competences at each age level that characterize the degree of consolidation of a particular academic subject. In this regard, the content of school physical training and educational sphere is focused on the formation of diversified physically developed personality, motivated for active and creative use of means of physical culture in organization of healthy way of life.
However, some existing contradictions of the modern system of physical education in school educational institutions prevent from obtaining the set goal.
Unfortunately, in most cases the lessons are organized by the repetition and similarity principles, when the ones who study reproduce teacher's actions which fail to activate and realize cognitive activity, based on child's intellectual development.
The aim of the study was to design and substantiate the models of intellectual training of schoolchildren from special medical group at physical education lessons.
Hence, the authors can assert that the intellectualization of the educational process of physical education of schoolchildren undoubtedly contributes to the interiorization of students to a healthy lifestyle and has a positive impact on their mental, physical, spiritual and moral development and enhancement.


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