Organization of Physical Education of Comprehensive Schoolchildren in the Period of Great Patriotic War and in Post-War Years (Historical Aspect)


J.I. Zhuravleva
Pyatigorsk branch of Volgograd state medical university of Ministry of Health, Pyatigorsk

Key words: historical experience of physical education, Marxist-Leninist methodology, integral personality education, military physical education, medical control, applied and defensive orientations of physical education curricula.
In the modern period of sweeping changes in the economic, social-political and social spheres of life, including the educational sphere, it is getting especially relevant to understand the historical experience of the important component of the educational process of comprehensive school – physical education of pupils.
The school process of physical education is to be directed to harmonious development of forms and functions of the human body, all-round enhancement of physical abilities, health strengthening, ensuring long life of people, training of moral, volitional and aesthetic personal qualities, assistance in intellectual development. Learning of the essence of physical education from the historical point of view enables more specific envisaging of its inner structure and content at the modern stage.
The purpose of the study was to study the process of physical education at comprehensive school in 1941–1953.
The historical analysis revealed that development of physical education in Russia is characterized by a certain phase structure in the change of the orientation and priorities of the content. These priorities are directly related to the readiness of the state to repel the external danger and to the national health and major ideas of various eras.


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