Organization of Sports Clubs Based on Comprehensive School


R.S. Nagovitsyn
associate professor, Ph.D.
Glazov state pedagogical institute named after V.G. Korolenko, Glazov.

Key words: personality physical culture of future teacher, mobile teaching, components, indices.
Mobile teaching combines the advantages of different form of teaching and is best for teaching in the interactive educational environment.
The purpose of the study was to from the personality physical culture of future teachers based on the introduction of mobile teaching to the university educational and training process.
The studies revealed that mobile teaching is based on the integration of distance, humane media pedagogics and various innovation types of teaching. The potentials of mobile teaching based on the software, electronic and mobile components significantly surpass by efficiency traditional forms of teaching, used in universities due to combination of various forms and methods of teaching, affecting different types of activity of students. Mobile technologies as a base of the suggested type of pedagogics facilitate well-timed mastering of a considerable information content, which is rather essential in conditions of intensive progressive development of the scientific and technological progress, when manufacturing knowledge are annually modernized with the trend to reduction of this period. Mobile teaching technologies implement the vast range of method enabling activation of students' cognitive activity, which, in its turn, is an important condition of efficiency of formation of personality's physical culture of future teachers.


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