Teaching Patriotism in Students within Institutions of Further Education


Sh.R. Yusupov
associate professor, Ph.D., Kazan federal university, Kazan.

Key words: industry of physical culture and sport, sports and professional sports education, sports law, management in the field of physical culture and sport.
In the last decade significant changes took place in the field of revival and development of the physical culture and sport system.
The purpose of the study was allocate the problems of methodological support and staffing of sport and professional sport educational disciplines, along with seeking possible ways of their solution.
The recommendations suggested for solution of the stipulated problems of educational-methodological support of sports disciplines are as follows: improvement of the federal state educational standard of higher professional education (FSES HPE) in the main directions of bachelor's and master's training in the specializations: 034300,034400, 034500, 034600; increase of the number of specializations of the FSES HPE on physical culture and sport in view of specifics of the profile of both bachelor's and master's programmes; holding methodological and practical conferences, forums, master classes with all the parties concerned attracted; publishing results of conferences and forums in authoritative journals covering the issues of development of physical culture and sport in our country; standardization of names and plans of subjects for the main disciplines in bachelor's and master's training; modernization of the Soviet regulatory base in the sphere of physical culture and sport; attracting practicing experts in the sphere to the sports educational process in the form of special courses, specialization-based disciplines, master classes.


  1. The coordination committee of academic unions and scientific-methodological councils of higher school. The portal of federal educational standards of higher education. FSES HPE on specializations of bachelor's and master's programmes. http://fgosvo.ru/fgosvpo/8/6/2/36 (In Russian)