System of Health Promoting Support of Educational Process in Modern University


V.I. Trukhachev
rector of Stavropol state agrarian university, Dr.Sc.Agric., Dr.Econ., professor, member-correspondent of RAACS, Honorary figure of science of the Russian Federation
S.I. Tarasova
associate professor, Ph.D.
E.V. Taranova
associate professor, Ph.D.
V.S. Skripkin
associate professor, Ph.D.
Stavropol state agrarian university, Stavropol

Key words: higher professional education, health promoting technologies, health promotion, health promoting support, health of students.
The purpose of the study was to elaborate and approve the system of health promoting support of the educational process in a higher educational institution. 
The suggested system of implementation of health promoting technologies in the university educational process can be applied in optimization of the educational-training process in the system of higher vocational training and can be used in activities of supervisors of medical and psychological services of the university, student communities and experts engaged in health issues of the modern studentship.


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