Educational Technology «Construction of Physical Education Lessons»



D.S. Alkhasov
Noginsk branch of Moscow State Regional University, Noginsk

Key words: educational technology, physical education lesson, process maps.
The modern federal state educational standard (FSES) is based on the system-active approach, which involves the "transition to the strategy of social projecting and construction in the educational system via the development of the content and technologies of education, defining the ways and methods of achievement of socially desirable level (result) of personal and cognitive development of students", as well as the "recognition of the critical role of the content of education, ways of organizing educational activities and interaction between participants of the educational process to achieve the goals of personal, social and cognitive development of students".
The domestic educational system hardly considered the implementation of the educational technology of teaching physical culture, which is probably due to the lack of understanding (including among teachers themselves) of the need to arrange physical education lessons as a system of pedagogical exposures intended not only to meet the challenges of motor training, but also the implementation of the above standard requirements.
The purpose of the present research was to develop and scientifically approve the educational technology "Construction of physical education lessons".
The content of the technology of construction of physical education lessons is described in detail in the author's workbook "Teaching physical education lessons (case study of the educational technology of construction of physical education lessons), which contains the process charts of lessons, in fact, a technical description of the pedagogical work of physical education teacher during lessons in the system of general education.


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