Continuous Education as an Innovative Process



N.V. Masyagina, associate professor, Ph.D.
Moscow Department of Physical Culture and Sport
Moscow sports training center of Moscow Sports Committee, Moscow

Key words: continuing education, knowledge paradigm, stages of continuing education, Center educational activity, innovative approach to learning.
Domestic higher education is under modernization. We are substituting the knowledge paradigm to the paradigm of competences, which greatly complicates and improves expert training. The problem of development of competencies entails the need for continuous improvement of specialist and the search for new knowledge. If before a specialist accumulated knowledge, abilities and skills, now he is to combine these three components in a single system, so that this new system exceeded the original three in its efficiency.
The relevance of this work is determined by the fact that the process of continuing education has come close to physical culture and sport.
The purpose of the present study was to determine the directions of continuing education in the field of physical culture and sport.
Nowadays the educational-training center conducts the educational process mainly in the compensatory manner. This is explained by the fact that the needs of students are focused mainly on the repetition of the past knowledge. However, an innovative approach to teaching students is expected to be developed in the near future. The number of conducted master classes, open workshops is to be significantly increased, more theoretical-practical conferences are to be prepared and held. Elite specialists in the field of physical culture and sport are being looked for to cooperate.
Thus, the sphere of physical culture and sport goes to the level of continuing education of its specialists.


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