The Specifics of Applied Professional Physical Training of Students of Transport University



I.A. Vasel'tsova, associate professor Ph.D.
Samara State University of Railway Transport, Samara

Key words: professionally significant qualities, specifics of transport engineering, applied professional physical training of students.
Given the specifics of professional work in the sphere of transport, it can be confidently asserted that the basic psychological and psychomotor qualities of specialists of the locomotive depot and dispatcher operator group, ensuring high reliability of workers are the qualities of attention (volume, switch, concentration) and the indicators of noise immunity, emotional stability and a high level of efficiency.
The analysis of psychological and pedagogical foundations of the theories of learning (associative-reflex, internalization, behaviorism, contextual learning) revealed the pedagogical conditions that ensure the formation of professionally significant psychophysical qualities of a future specialist: learning process focused on the differentiated model of specialist; designing the learning process based on the theory of contextual learning; activation of the subject position of a university graduate during his self-determination to protect and promote health, develop professionally significant psychomotor qualities and personality traits.
The average indicators in the experimental group, characterizing the level of development of the attention qualities, have increased significantly at the end of the formative experiment.
The forming experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the chosen approach to the design of the content and organization of the process of applied professional training of students of the university of railway transport. However, the studies of some problems detected in the research may and should be considered further. In particular, more research should be dedicated to designing a job model of a specialist (in the aspect of his psychophysical readiness for professional work); as well as the issues of continuity of the system at all stages and levels of vocational training.


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