The Semantics of Emotional-Sensual State of Mind of Schoolchildren as a Result of Pedagogical Effects at Physical Education Lessons



O.V. Kudryavtseva
V.S. Belyaev, professor, Dr.Biol.
Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture and Sport of Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
M.V. Solovykh, associate professor, Ph.D.
Moscow Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Moscow

Key words: pupils, educational process, mental health, physical education.

The emotional-sensual state of mind of schoolchildren is the basis for the formation of motor representations, and later - the formation of motor skill. Training and improvement processes on physical education lessons are accompanied by emotional and sensual feelings of pupils that affect the state of their inner world and can give these processes a positive or negative trend.
The purpose of the research was to study changes in the semantic emotional and sensual state of mind of 5th-formers as a result of pedagogical influence at physical education lessons. The findings revealed the presence of the 21st indicator of mental state of a pupil.
According to the above results compared with the average statistical data of other studies conducted in compliance with traditional psychological methodologies, the results of the applied experimental projective technique are within the statistics and, therefore, the researchers believe that it can be used along with conventional techniques.


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