Characteristics of common cultural competences of volunteers at sports events



G.L. Drandrov1, 2, I.F. Fayzullin3
1 Dr.Hab., professor
2 Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after I.Ya. Yakovlev, Cheboksary
3 Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Kazan

The purpose of the present study was to determine the common cultural competences relevant for volunteer activities and features of self -assessment of their development by volunteers having different experience of participation in sports events.
Four groups of common cultural competences of volunteers of sports events and the physical culture and sports competence were defined and characterized. All these competences interacting with each other stipulate the ability to and willingness to perform during volunteer activity such social activities as: learning (self-improvement, reflection), work (proactivity, self-discipline, stress tolerance), communication (social creativity, teamwork, foreign language communicative competence), behavior (civism, sociability, tolerance). Experiments proved that volunteers rated high the level of development of such competences as sociability, team discipline and proactivity. The least developed common cultural competences, according to the volunteers, included reflection, social creativity, civism, foreign language communicative and physical culture and sports competences. Volunteers experienced in volunteerism are distinguished from novices by the high self -rating of such a cultural competence as teamship. Self -rating of the rest common cultural competences does not change significantly as the volunteering experience is gained, and is slightly reduced in some cases.

Keywords: volunteers, common cultural competences, self- esteem, sports events, volunteer activity.


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