Sportization of physical education lessons as a leading condition for implementation of health forming function of domestic physical culture education



V.K. Spirin1, 2, D.N. Boldyshev3
1 Dr.Hab., Ph.D.
2 Velikie Luki State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport, Velikie Luki
3 Non-Profit Foundation "Center for treatment and rehabilitation of patients with cerebral palsy", Moscow

Motor activity in school age is the main way of optimization of age dynamics of development of the body, improvement of functional capabilities, an objective factor in strengthening and protection of health, enhancement of physical development of the younger generation, a method of prevention and correction of musculoskeletal disorders. Conformable to nature motor activity, organized within the framework of the subject "Physical Education", has a great potential for solving the problems related to health formation. These opportunities are realized largely on the basis of the technology of organization of the system of physical education lessons. With respect to methodology, the proper process of formation and improvement of motion coordination mechanisms and understanding of methods of teaching the technique of physical exercises are a natural way to effectively transfer existing coordinations when learning new movements and thus to successfully solve a range of educational tasks. Sportization of physical education lessons in compliance with the sports-centered approach and the innovative technology of planning of the educational material on the subject "Physical Education" contribute to formation of the culture of movements among schoolchildren as a fundamental basis of the implementation of the health forming function of the national educational system in the field of physical culture.

Keywords: physical education lesson, curriculum, planning, culture of movements, correction, posture formation.


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