Introduction of innovative technologies at physical education lessons in comprehensive school



T.A. Udalova3, 1, T.V. Levchenkova3, 2
1 Postgraduate
2 Professor, Ph.D., associate professor
3 Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTsOLIFK), Moscow

The lack of interest in physical activity and new trends in the organization of leisure of the younger generation, replacement of sports games by computer ones leads to deterioration of the state of health of the younger generation. In this connection a need arises to study advanced technologies of teaching of the subject of physical education.
To ensure the continuous educational process of physical education teachers they need to have access to modern computer technologies, a comfortable working place, have innovative equipment for physical education classes purchased annually for them.
The purpose of the study was to prove the effectiveness of introducing new innovative technologies at physical education lessons in a comprehensive school. Thanks to using modern technologies, namely the method of rapid survey using a teacher's computer or tablet they got a quick feedback from the pupils.
The researchers believe that the use of the proposed method of survey will help the teacher accelerate the process of reflection and assessment of work.

Keywords: post-secondary education, innovative technology, monitoring, rapid survey, health developing environment.


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