Regional experience in implementing innovative approaches in continuing physical education (case study of Kuzbass)



E.M. Kazin3, 1, O.L. Tarasova3, 2, A.I. Fedorov3, 1, A.V. Shinkarenko3, N.G. Zaytseva3
1 Dr.Biol., professor
2 Ph.D., associate professor
3 Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo
The paper concerns various ways and methods of optimization of the motor activity of schoolchildren within continuous physical education. It is shown that interesting experience of effective implementation of health-protecting approaches in physical education has been gained in the educational institutions of Kuzbass. For all the variety of organizational forms and methods of optimization of motor behavior it is necessary to ensure that the level and nature of motor activity complied with age, gender, typological and individual characteristics of the developing body, its functional capacities and state of health. In the practice of physical education motor activity can be optimized in different ways, but in any case one should rely on the results of comprehensive medical and physiological research that identify the characteristics of morphofunctional development, physical working capacity, tension of adaptation mechanisms of children to a variety of environmental factors. Personality-centered and ultimately individualized approaches to optimization of motor activity are most appropriate and theoretically substantiated.

Keywords: continuous physical education, schoolchildren, optimization of motor activity, health-protecting activity, differentiated approach.


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