Purposeful involvement of tutors of preschool educational institutions in physical education of children



L.A. Semenov1, 3, N.V. Boldyreva2, 3
1 Honorary Figure of Physical Culture, Dr.Hab, Professor
2 Postgraduate
3 Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut
The purpose of the present study was to experimentally estimate the capabilities and effectiveness of the purposeful involvement of tutors of preschool educational institutions in the physical education of children.
The subject of the research was the development of children's conditional physical qualities. It has been detected that pre-school educational organizations have a significant potential for improving the quality of physical education of children, which consists in engaging teachers and mentors. It is extremely effective to attract teachers to the solution of recreational problems related to the development of children’s conditional physical qualities when organizing the so-called "operation issues". This applies especially the development of physical qualities with the display of strength and flexibility. In order to realize the available potential the competence of teachers in the matters of physical education of children should be improved via course training organized in pre-school educational organizations.

Keywords: preschool aged children, physical education, pre-school educational organizations, sports competency, educators.


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