Structure and content of physical education program for primary pupils in China



Van Yunmey1, 3, T.V. Levchenkova 2, 3
1 Postgraduate
2 Ph.D., Associate Professor
3 Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTsOLIFK), Moscow

The structure and content of the program on physical education for Chinese schools are analyzed in the paper. The program contains in its structure the theoretical and practical parts. The necessary sections for pupils to learn about man and society were determined in the theoretical part. A set of physical exercises for 1-4-formers was defined in the practical part.
The main idea of the program of physical education for pupils in the PRC is their health improvement and fostering of the habit of independent physical exercises throughout life. The program contains extensive theoretical material on physical culture and the practical part, which presents different sports and conditioning exercises.
The structure and content of the program of physical education for pupils in China are in line with the programs being implemented in other countries.

Keywords: program, knowledge system, motor skills, pupils.


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