Historical and philosophical aspects of physical culture and sports Education
S.D. Neverkovich 1, 3, A.A. Popova 2, 3
1 Dr.Hab, Professor
2 Ph.D., doctoral candidate
3 Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTsOLIFK), Moscow
The purpose of the study was to show the historical continuity of the concept of education and the relevance of the philosophical and methodological aspects of teaching a sports personality in an institute of higher education in the field of physical culture.
The reform of education in our country has led to the penetration to the theory and practice of Russian pedagogical ideas of new ideas, approaches, principles, forms of organization and methods of implementation of the processes of teaching and training in an institute of higher education in the field of physical culture. The indicated fully applies to the methodological aspects of the formation and development of an economic person acting in the physical culture and sports environment.
Keywords: education, economic person, institute of higher education, methodology, historical aspects, physical culture and sport, pedagogics, way of thinking, pedagogical management.
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