Professional Development of Management Entities of Physical Education of Students Using Interactive Technologies



V.A. Shchegolev, professor, Dr.Hab., Honored worker of physical culture of the RF
O.V. Novosel'tsev, professor, Dr.Hab., Merited scientist
St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg

Keywords: professional development, management entities, physical education, students, interactive technologies.

Introduction. The interest in the issue of implementation of interactive technologies in teaching practice of professional development of specialists is stipulated by the low level of learning motivation, which still remains one of the most pressing problems of higher education. At the same time, interactive learning technologies, that radically transform the nature of the interaction between a teacher and students, put the latter in the position of an active subject of learning activity, contribute to a dialogue between students, are still being implemented slowly and are regarded by many higher school teachers as something unique for pedagogics, which is applied by several creative enthusiastic teachers [1].

Special literature considers professional development in the broad and narrow senses. According to L. I. Lubysheva [2] the professional development in the broad sense is a continuous process of specialist's professional growth due to his own daily experience and self-education; in the narrow sense - it is a process of training in the organized educational systems which provide further continuous improvement of professional skills.

In the context of the objectives of this study the researchers will focus mainly on the system of professional development of specialists with the use of interactive technologies, as this form of training could be an effective educational model of professional development of the subjects of management of physical education of students.

The purpose of the research was to develop a model of professional development of various categories of subjects of management of physical education of students using interactive technologies.

Materials and methods. In order to achieve the objectives of the study we used different types of theoretical analysis and synthesis of information from national sources. The findings are reliable due to comprehensive application of the methods of structural, functional, comparative and pedagogical analysis.

Results and discussion. For the purpose of experimental verification of educational possibilities of the developed model of professional development of the subjects of management of physical education of students in 2014 an educational experiment was organized and carried out at the premises of Inter-university Center for Physical Culture. The educational experiment consisted of two phases. The main objective of the first phase was to improve the professional competency of different categories of the subjects of management of physical education of students through the use of interactive technologies. Thus, a series of theoretical and methodological classes was held at the premises of Inter-university Center for Physical Culture (St. Petersburg) in the framework of the ongoing seminar dedicated to the problems of improvement of skills of different categories of employees of the educational sphere.

Highly skilled specialists with extensive teaching experience in higher education chose necessary educational and methodological material and developed the content, forms and methods of training. The curriculum provided for 60 academic hours: 30 hours under teachers’ guidance and 30 hours of independent work. The curriculum was notable for specific lectures and seminars, revealing in its content the essence and the aims of using interactive technologies in management. Specific psycho-educational situations regarding improvement of the management of physical education of students were considered in practice. The subjects of management were provided with the conditions for self-improvement and with individual assistance in the form of consultations on the experimental curriculum, they were offered training and methodological developments and publications [2, 3]. The curriculum provided phased mastering of training and methodological material. The first phase consisted of lecture course aimed at the formation and mastering of theoretical knowledge on the problems of physical education of students.

In the course of further study the features of educational activities and interactive technologies (business games, trainings, "round table" seminars, etc.) were highlighted. The final phase was the preparation and defense of the essay on a given topic.

The second phase of the educational experiment included the implementation and the verification of the effectiveness of mastered knowledge and skills of practical use of interactive technologies of management of physical education. The data obtained from self-assessments and expert judgments described the successfulness of educational activities, the knowledge of methods of psycho-educational stimulation of students, the attitude towards them, the level of authoritativeness, etc.

The experiment was proved to be highly efficient. The data on the level of mastering of theoretical knowledge and skills, obtained in the course of the experiment, demonstrate the importance and usefulness of the proposed form of improving the professional competency in the area of physical education management (Table 1).

Table 1. Average results of mastering of experimental material by the subjects of management of physical education of students, Х ± m

Main sections of the curriculum

Efficiency of training,

(in points), n = 49

before the experiment

after the experiment

Theoretical course

3,6 ± 0,21

4,4 ± 0,11

Methodical and practical course

3,7 ± 0,17

4,5 ± 0,19

Essay on given topic


4,6 ± 0,14

Overall expert assessment

3,7 ± 0,24

4,7 ± 0,18


3,8 ± 0,21

4,5 ± 0,11

Level of satisfaction with training content and methods


4,8 ± 0,14


If at the beginning of training only 6.8% of the subjects had solid knowledge in the area of management of physical education of students, by the end of the experiment that number amounted to 35.1%. Conversely, the number of persons with rather low level of knowledge and skills in socially-oriented style of management decreased from 21.4 to 3.5% (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Indicators of progress in mastering of experimental material by the subjects of management of physical education of students with regard to initial skill level

The data also show that the subjects of management of physical education are rather focused on the necessity of having knowledge in social management while working with students.

The analysis of the nature and the aims of professional activity of different categories of subjects of physical education management, engaged in the experiment, showed some changes in the use of interactive methods of psychological and educational stimulation of students.

These findings confirm earlier studies and suggest that most of the subjects began to focus on using such methods as "choice stimulation" and "direct impact" that correspond to the democratic, flexible and socially oriented type of management culture in a greater degree [4, 5]. So, if before the experiment 43.4% of respondents preferred to use the commanding motivation techniques in their practice, after the experiment that number decreased to 15.4%. Even more pronounced changes were noted in the control group of subjects sticking to the authoritarian management style, where the value of the indicator fell from 62.8 to 24.2%.

The number of students, engaged in regular exercises for more than 8 hours a week, increased by 12.6% on average; 5-7 hours a week – by 14.4%; 2-4 hours a week - 15.3%.

The combined application of techniques of physical education along with the health-improving effect of other subjects promoted reduced incidence of students by 13.8% on average, increased motivation for a healthy lifestyle by 19.8% and reduced period of socio-psychological adaptation to university studies by 22 5%.


1. The system of professional development of the subjects of physical education management based on the use of interactive technologies, according to the requirements of social policy in the field of education, includes the goals, objectives, principles, functions, means, methods and organizational forms that make up the influence on social objects and the management of this process.

2.  Thanks to the detailed analysis of the structural, component and functional composition of the system one can address a number of tasks related to creation of an educational model of professional development of various categories of subjects of management of physical education of students and to the development and justification of physical education management technology through the use of interactive methods of educational stimulation and the verification of its effectiveness.

3. The obtained scientific data contributed to the creation of an integrated system of measures to improve the quality of management of physical education and professional development of students of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, bringing it to the leading position in the Russian Federation.

4. The analysis of the data shows that in the changed socio-economic conditions, the necessity to reform the system of physical education management in universities, based on the active use of interactive methods of psychological and educational influence on the students, is undoubtedly the most important factor for the further development of higher education at the present stage.


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