Organization and Content of Independent Work of Students Specializing in Aerobics



T.V. Bushma, Ph.D.
E.G. Zuikova, Ph.D.
St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg

Keywords: student, aerobics, independent work, educational process, information technology.

Introduction. One of the main requirements of the Federal state educational standard of higher education is to intensify the role of self-study among students. In this case, when learning a student transforms from a passive consumer of knowledge into their active creator, who knows how to formulate the problem, analyze the ways to solve it, achieve the best results and prove that the path has been chosen right.

Independent work of university students involves the qualitative implementation of goals and objectives of the subject "Physical Education" and is seen as an equal form of training in the organization of an educational process, and owing to the introduction of multimedia technologies different types of independent work can be used to improve its quality [3].

The purpose of the study was to substantiate new forms of independent work of students, engaged in aerobics in compliance with the course "Physical Education", in order to activate their creative and motor potentials.

Materials and methods: the study was conducted in stages from 2007 to 2014 on the basis of the "Aerobics" specialization of the Department of Physical Culture and Sport of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University.

  •  In the first stage (2007-2009) the comparative analysis of training sessions was conducted. A survey of students (n = 104) revealed the preference for studies with the use of active learning methods (which include creative assignments).
  •  The second stage (2009-2011) included the determination of the effectiveness of various forms of independent work of students, the creation of educational and methodological base for practical classes in aerobics, the approval of a method of organization of independent work of 2nd-year students (n = 89) and the development of multimedia technologies.
  •  In the third phase (2011-2014) the program material was corrected with the participation of 356 1st and 2nd-years students, the ways of organization of independent work of students specializing in "Aerobics" were determined and training sets for independent work of students were elaborated and experimentally justified using multimedia technologies.

Results and discussion. The study resulted in the identification of the main stages and types of independent work of students and creation of combined programs for classes with students of different fitness levels. Since 2013/14, all experimental groups specializing in "Aerobics" have been working in accordance with the proposed methodology and the curriculum, including compulsory classes (2 times a week for 2 hours) and extra-curricular classes.

The main types of independent work of students specializing in "Aerobics":

  •  the training independent work of students on theoretical classes: the preparation for a theoretical test using the electronic textbook on the subject "Physical Education" [2] and the additional literature on the chosen type of sports activity [3, 4];
  •  the training independent work of students on practical classes: the preparation for classes with the use of training manuals prepared by teachers of the Department [1] and available on the Internet [], training for aerobics examinations and qualifications and for competitions;
  •  the scientific and methodical independent work of students: the participation in researches, the study of new materials on the subject, writing of essays, the publication of articles in University collections and the preparation of reports and presentations.

It should be noted that the organization of independent work of students within the educational activity is done stage-by-stage: it is differentiated by semesters, from simple to complex, and provides for control over the degree of mastering of learning material.

From the perspective of adaptation of students, the most difficult is the organization of independent work of students during the 1st year. The problems are associated with an inadequate level of physical fitness, motor and functional preparedness; the lack of practical readiness for the specifics of learning in university; high occupancy of student groups. In this connection, aerobics training programs are elaborated during the 1st year so that a student and a teacher work through all combinations of dance exercises, through the series of general developmental and special exercises, aimed at the development of physical qualities, in detail. Learning new exercises gradually contributes to the confident implementation of aerobic combinations, the development of motor memory, the increase of training effect and the obtaining of vital practical skills. This way the foundations of the preparation of students to work independently are laid. It is important to note the significance of teacher's role in the formation of positive emotions during the chosen sports activity. Creative assignments in this period are included in lessons in a small volume. In the 1st semester each student must learn and perform one of the combinations of exercises suggested by a teacher in front of the group. The teacher determines the level of complexity of the task with regard to motor, dance and emotional possibilities of the students.

Practice showed that educational programs on aerobics, learnt at the beginning of the 1st semester, enable the students to brighter display their creative abilities to prepare for independent work at the end of the semester. A student practices dance compositions, chooses appropriate music and movements and their rational sequence on his own. During the experiment the students created compositions of various dance styles: hip-hop, R`n`B, modern jazz, latin, tango, ballet, belly dance, Irish dancing, etc. The group learns the best compositions during the 2nd semester that increases the students’ motivation for classes. The most successful combinations are recorded on video, forming blocks of videos which are then used during future classes.

At the beginning of the 2nd year the organization of the independent work of students is determined by the introduction of modern multimedia technologies in aerobics classes that forms a new style of work for teachers and students. Currently, 45 blocks of dance compositions and sets of exercises of different complexity levels for the development of physical qualities are available online. Students are given the task to analyze and learn one of the blocks of exercises for the class, demonstrate it in front of the group and, while acting as a teacher, explain the features of the implementation of each movement, focusing the attention on the proper technique. Such independent work of students solves the problem of increasing the extracurricular motor activity of students, teaches how to work with information material, extends the motor scope of students, and trains the motor memory, being the basis for self-education in a chosen sport.

In the 4th semester the educational process is designed with the participation of each training group. Such cooperation involves the distribution of roles and responsibilities between the students when selecting the practical material according to their individual abilities and needs. The block of educational program chosen together provides productive interaction, creates a positive motivational background and increases the interest in lessons. The creative work of students helps implement their ideas in preparing the aerobics examination. At the end of the second year, each training group demonstrates its creative project at the exam.

A particular place in the system of independent work of students is given to the methodological support of the subject. Training sets of different content and complexity were developed and tested by aerobics teachers accompanied by practicals on heart rate measurement to determine the response of students' body to aerobic and strength loads, along with measurement and evaluation of other parameters of functional preparedness of those involved.

Conclusion. The study on the organization and content of the independent work of students specializing in "Aerobics" enabled:

  •  to identify the stages and methods of activation of  independent work of students in various forms of the course "Physical Education" on the "Aerobics" specialization;
  •  to create combined programs for younger students with different physical fitness levels;
  •  to identify the role of modern multimedia technologies in varying the independent work and the ways to involve the students into work;
  •  to approve and implement the developed technique of independent work of students into the educational process. This technique should meet the requirements of modernization of higher education and contribute to training of professionals who are able to lead a healthy lifestyle.

The introduction into the educational process of various forms of independent work of students increases the interest and activity of the students and helps realize individual potential. The independent work of students can be regarded as an effective means of increasing not only the motor, but also the creative and scientific potentials.


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